Chapter 7

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Warning. Don't get your hopes up I'm sorry no 🍋
Dixies POV

I was still feeling hesitant about the whole kiss thing, but I couldn't stop myself. I just needed this so bad. I needed all of Addison because I had wanted her for too long. So my confidence starting peaking.

I ran my tongue along her bottom lip. I felt her smile against my lips. What a goof I thought. To set her mind straight, I gently bit her lip before running my tongue over it again.

That made her gasp before parting her lips. I took the chance and stuck my tongue in her mouth. I choked back a moan when our tongues met. I was on fire. We started really making out. Like I was getting all kinds of handsy.

I ran my hands up Addisons back and through her hair. She kept her hands mostly in place on my neck. Then I went for it. Bad mistake.

I hiked up the hem of her shirt and ran my hands over her stomach then a little bit up. At first she seemed to like it so I grabbed the hem of her shirt and tried to pull it up farther and over her head.

"Dixie," she whispered pulling back a little. I smirked and tried to keep going before she pulled back fully. "We shouldn't." She stated.

She took her shirt and pulled it down, building a wall as she did. I felt lost and so upset. And cold. All the warmth and security and love I felt just evaporated in an instant. Of course she didn't want to really do this. Her emotions just got the better of her. She didn't even want to be fuckbuddies, I barely made it past a kiss.

"I'm so sorry. Addison I shouldn't have done that. I should have never kissed you!" I said on the verge of tears. "What?!" She gasped.

"No Dixie I meant we shouldn't go farther. I- well someone would notice." She said scratching the back of her neck. I could tell she was embarrassed.

"Oh I thought you meant- well- do you really feel the same way? Or was that just for fun?" I said. She seemed to sense the vulnerability and uncertainty.

"I like you a lot Dixie. I don't really know why but I do. And that was one of the best experiences of my life. It felt so perfect like it was destiny and was meant to happen. But we need to go slower before we burn this out." I was quiet so she kept going.

"What we have is a spark, right?" "Yeah" I whispered. "Well we can grow it into a fire a full on bonfire. But we need to start small. We need to kindle the spark first and build up the fire." She said.

"Understand?" She asked smiling grabbing my hand. She circled her thumb over my palm. "Yes."

"You have such a way with words." She said sarcastically. "You are so dry Dixie, 'yeah' 'yes' 'ok'" she giggled. I'm anything but dry right now I thought but didn't say it.

"But you really have a way with words, country girl." I smiled. She smirked.

"Y'all better get your diddly shit together 'fore I rootin' tootin' round up your ass for complimentin' me too damn much!" She yelled getting up and dancing around like a cowboy. I started laughing really hard. Man I really am in deep. I'm falling for Addison harder than I've ever in my life. Not even with Tayler.

I followed her out of bed. She grabbed my hands and gave me a hug. When she pulled back we just started at each other for a minute before she said. "I want to go to sleep."

"Sure thing. I'm actually pretty tired."

We crawled into bed together with Addison hugging my waist. She put her head in my neck and I fell asleep to her warm breath hitting me. I hadn't been this happy in a good while. This feeling with her was just almost euphoric.

AN I want to watch euphoria really bad but don't have Hulu :(

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