Chapter 7 - Urgent Call

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Early update because I just love this book so much...

- Andy's POV -


I sighed as I got out of my bed and walked into the kitchen. It's been a week since my mum got sick and since then, I did everything around the house. Yesterday afternoon I cried about it to my best friend and I now felt so bad for doing so. I wasn't supposed to complain about these things when my mum was an angel. She's done everything for me, she raised me alone, she worked so hard to earn money for the two of us. She fed me, clothed me, put a roof over my head and all of that, she did alone. My mum was an amazing person so I never wanted to disappoint her. That's why I studied at least 3 hours every day. That's why I tried to be the best student, the best son. I did every homework, I studied until my eyes were bloodshot, I turned in my projects on time, I never really went out to parties or drank or smoked. I wanted to be a perfect son for my perfect mum.
My mum didn't get sick often, but when she did, I did everything for her. I wanted her to rest and try to get better as soon as possible, like she did to me. This is what she deserved so I was not supposed to complain or cry about it.

As I got to the kitchen, I poured myself some cereal and milk in a bowl and made toasts for my mum. While the tea was boiling in the kettle, my mum walked in. She smiled at me, now looking a lot better than before.

"Hi mum, how are you feeling?"
"I feel better now, I'll try to go to work today. Oh you made me toasts?"
"And the tea is boiling."
"God blessed me with the best son anyone could ever get." she said and walked over to me to press a kiss to my head. We were almost the same height, yet I still felt like I was 8 years old when she did that.

We ate our breakfasts in silence, then drank up the tea and I went back to my room to get ready for the day. It was cold outside, so I put on jeans and a baby blue hoodie. On top of that, I put on a jacket and pulled on my favourite black Converse trainers. I left the house like that and, yet again, walked to school.

- Rye's POV -

Me and Andy had to work together during History but I could barely stand his presence. The arrogance that radiated from him as he spoke was just mindblowingly disgusting. I couldn't wait to get out of that damn class. When it ended, I almost ran to the hallway, where I was met by Honor.

"Hey babe." she greeted and wrapped her arms around my neck. I leaned down a bit to kiss her quickly, then pulled away.
"Hi Honor." I breathed before I was pulled into another kiss. I didn't know how much time had passed as we made out in the middle of the hallway before I heard the sound of someone clearing their throat next to us. I parted from Honor's cherry flavoured lips and turned my head to see Andy's small figure standing there. He was blushing, his eyes looking anywhere but at us.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but I just wanted to ask... Are you coming after school then?" he asked and finally his blue eyes found mine. I snorted at how shy and innocent he still dared to make himself seem.
"Sure Fowler." I answered. Andy awkwardly pushed his glasses up his nose as he nodded, then turned around and walked away. I couldn't help but notice how he was dressed today too. Always so damn girly it just annoyed me.

"Rye... Why are you going to his house? I thought you two hated each other." Honor asked confused. I tightened my arms around ger slim waist, but I didn't take my eyes off Andy's swaying hips.

"Yeah we do. But we have to write a History essay together so we're forced to be together." I answered and felt Honor relax in my arms. She let out a breath and her hands that were resting on my chest travelled all the way up to my neck. Her touch was nice and I really wanted to look into his eyes and kiss her. But for some reason I still couldn't tear my eyes away from Andy as he walked, now accompanied by his friends, Brook and Harper.

- Andy's POV -

Rye came over after school and this time, the atmosphere was even more tense. My mum wasn't home so me and Rye were completely alone in the quiet house. We worked on the essay for half an hour non-stop, when Rye finally dropped the pen in his hand.

"Okay, that's enough, I need a break. Do you have some food?"
"Uh... Frozen pizza in the freezer. I could put it in the oven for you if you would like to eat." I replied.
"Yeah that will be good." with that, he stood up and casually walked over to the fridge and opened it like it was his house. He looked around, bent down to grab something, then when he stood up again, he had a can in his hand. "Monster?" he asked, frowning at the energy drink he was holding.

"Yes. The last time you were here you wanted beer but I couldn't buy that obviously. So I figured I'd buy you something that was like... Between beer and orange juice." I said, lightly chuckling at the end. I might have been imagining it, but I thought I saw a faint smile on Rye's lips.
I stood up as well and started preparing the pizza as I told Rye I would. He opened his energy drink and started drinking it next to me while I sat up on a counter.

"Does it taste good?" I asked shyly.
Rye's eyebrows raised and he looked at me shocked. "You've never had any?"
"No it's not really... my thing."
"Taste it." he said and reached it to me. I looked at the can, then up at him and then back at the can. He didn't seem to be messing around so I grabbed the drink and raised it to my lips. I looked at Rye one last time before I took a little sip of it.

"Wow... it's so sweet." I breathed, then took another sip. Rye chuckled, which made me remember the drink wasn't mine, so I gave it back to him. "It's yummy." I smiled, licking my lips. Rye's eyes followed my tongue as it swiped over my bottom lip, before jumping back to my eyes. He took the can away from me and raised it to his lips as well.

"What the hell do you drink if not energy drinks or beer?"
"Tea. And water. And sometimes orange juice too."
"You're something else Fowler." he scoffed and sipped from the can again.

"Can... May I ask why are you so different from when we're at school whenever you come over?" I asked and from the corner of my eye, I saw Rye freeze.
"Do you want me to treat you like that in your home as well?"
"No, I want you to treat me the way you treat me now all the time. Like we're equals."
"Then fucking act like we're equals."

I wanted to ask what he meant by that, but in that moment, the sound of his ringtone interrupted me. Rye jumped as well before chugging the rest of the drink down and fishing out his phone from the pocket of his leather jacket that he'd left on the back of a chair.

"What's up Rob?" he asked when he picked up. I heard a man's voice on the other side of the line, but I couldn't make out what he was saying. "Woah woah woah, slow down dude. He did what?" another pause as Rye waited for an answer. I saw his face turn from relaxed to something very similar to mortified as he listened to whoever he was speaking to. "Fuck... I'll be right back. Don't let the twins anywhere near him."
Rye hung up and started packing his stuff rapidly.
"Sorry Fowler, I gotta go home now. We could finish tomorrow maybe? I'll see you." he said as he threw his backpack over his shoulder. He ran to the front door where I heard him pull on his boots.

"Already? But we only have a little more to finish." I said, hopping off the counter swiftly. Rye has already exited when I got to the front door. "Rye! What about the pizza?" I yelled after him, but he didn't hear me. He was running. I didn't know why, but if he was in such a hurry then something bad must've happened...

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