Chapter 20 - First Kiss

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- Andy's POV -

On another Tuesday afternoon, Rye came over to study again. I was about to take him to the kitchen as per usual, but he headed towards the bedrooms.
"Rye?" I called after him.
"Don't you wanna go to your room?"
"Well... I mean I don't mind... we could study at my desk then." I said and went after him.

When I closed my door, Rye was already standing next to my bed, looking at the clothes I just threw down on it a few hours ago.
"Oh um sorry for the mess, I'll put these away." I said and walked over there as well to gather my clothes. Rye didn't let me, though. He picked up a cream colored dress that had flowers all over the skirt part of it.

"This is yours?" he asked. I blushed and nodded, knowing he didn't really like my girly clothes. "Isn't it a bit too short?"
"Uh I haven't tried it on yet."
He shoved it in my hand. "Try it on now."
"Wh-what, you mean here?"
"Well you can go to the bathroom, just let me see it on you."
I frowned. "I thought you hated my girly clothes."
"Maybe I don't. Just try it on, for me, please." he begged and fuck, I just couldn't resist those adorable puppy eyes. I sighed and turned around to go inside the bathroom where I changed from my jeans and t-shirt into the dress. Whenit was on, I realized I couldn't zip up the back of it. So I walked back into my bedroom where Rye was laying back on my bed, propped up on his elbows. His head snapped do me as soon as I walked into the room.

"Could you please help me zip it up?" I asked and turned around immediately. I heard Rye get up and walk over to me, my heart beating faster and faster with each approaching footstep. I felt his fingertips gently trace over my exposed back, down from my neck to the zip. I felt his hot breath on my neck before his lips pressed against it, slightly wet and gentle.
"R-Rye." I stammered.
"You look beautiful."
"Rye you said you didn't-"
"I didn't like it because even as a guy you could pull of girl's clothes like no other girl could. You're unreal, Andy."
"I thought you were straight." I whispered.
"So did I."

The skirt of my dress was pulled up so he could reach the hem of my panties. I couldn't say a word as his fingertips traced the sensitive skin on my hip because I just couldn't bring myself to say anything other than his name.
Then reality hit me hard in the face. "I have a boyfriend." I panted, trying my best to not give in to the sensation.
"Tell me to stop if you want to."
He turned me around so I was facing him, our lips centimeters away. I could feel his warm breath mingling with mine, smelling like the cigarettes he sometimes smoked and the bubble gum he tried to suppress the smell with. I wanted it. I couldn't lie anymore and say I didn't, I wanted his lips on mine. My eyes were locked on his before I they closed as he got closer and closer.

And our lips met in a soft kiss. We didn't move them, not yet. We didn't dare to do anything, just let ourselves get used to the feeling.
Then Rye started to move his lips slowly and mine worked along with it in sync. His tongue reached out to lick my lips and I opened them instantly, letting him slip his tongue into my mouth. The taste of the bubble gum was now much prominent, and I could also taste something else, something that I could only address as Rye Beaumont.
I moaned into the kiss as his tongue swirled around mine. I circled my arms around his neck and submitted myself to him, letting him completely take over. He was such a good kisser there really wasn't anything I wanted more than him to just keep kissing me however he wanted to.

We parted after a while, though, as our breath didn't seem quite enough anymore. I looked at him in the eyes as we panted for air. There was a slight smile on his lips, which made my heart swell.
"Wow." I breathed.
I pulled him a little closer to me by the collar of his t-shirt, just needing the feeling of him close to me. He wrapped his arms back around my waist, where they were during the kiss.
"Rye what's going on here?" I found myself asking, even though I didn't want answers just yet. "You're straight and... and we're both in a relationship."

"I'm not. You didn't notice that Honor just disappeared from my side recently?"
"Uh no. But honestly, I wasn't quite looking at her so-"
"You were looking at me?" he smirked.
"Rye I have a boyfriend. I love Harvey and-"
"Can he do what I do?"
"More than. Because you just want to fuck around and Harvey actually wants me." I said confidently but I had no idea where the sudden confidence came from.
"You don't know what the other wants. Maybe you're right or maybe it's the other way around. You don't know."
"Rye, honestly, let's just study, okay?"
"Fine by me, if you can ignore the tension then let's ignore the tension." he shrugged.

He turned me back around so that he could finally pull up the zipper of the dress, then walked over to my desk and sat down. He took out his books and looked at me.
"There's only one chair here, though, so you'll have to sit on my lap." he said with a smirk and I blushed. I shook my head and took a step back, ducking my head.
"Come on Andy, come here. I need my amazing teacher to actually study."
I hesitated for a while, before slowly walking over to him. Rye grabbed me by my wrist as soon as I was within reach and roughly pulled me down onto his lap. I squirmed around for a while to get myself comfortable, and when I found a good position, Rye wrapped his left arm around my middle to keep me still and seated.
"So where did we stop last week?"

You asked for a kiss so here's the kiss😏😏
I hope you guys liked this chapter, if so, don't forget to vote and comment!💕💕

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