Chapter 30 - What Does It Feel Like?

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- Andy's POV -

After the first week of school, Rye finally came back. I saw him in the hallway and I smiled at him, earning back a smirk and sometimes a wink. His friends weren't surprised since they all knew about us. Brook always giggled excitedly because he just loved our "reality romcom", as he liked to call it.

Me and Harvey became... less distant. We weren't talking at all, but him and Harry sat with us at our table during lunch and he still hung out with the group since they were his friends as well, not just mine.

Speaking of them, besides Brook, no one knew about me and Rye. I mean they all knew I cheated on Harvey with him after Harvey told them things, but they didn't know we were still... something.

I honestly had no idea what we were. I knew Rye was having fun, just like I was. And I knew he didn't only want sex because when he came over, he didn't once mentioned sleeping together but he was clearly enjoying my company. We didn't really go further than kissing either and no one has ever seen us kissing, besides that old lady in the cemetery, and it really showed that Rye wanted us to be a secret, even after telling his friends about us.

I didn't mind that much, it just felt a little dangerous sometimes, like it could end anytime. I was so scared he would once get enough of me and our "relationship" wouldn't even affect him...
But I had to go with it, right?

Anyway, everything went by so fast and very soon it was the middle of January. It was a Friday afternoon and my mum was working night shift so I was all alone in the house. I thought I'd leave Rye to be and go to a party if he wanted to, so I sat down to study. It was past 11pm and I was still trying to figure out the Maths homework while almost going crazy.

Then I heard a tap on my window. I looked up to see Rye outside the fence, throwing rocks at my window. I smiled before getting up to open the window.

"What are you doing you freak?" I laughed.
"I wasn't sure if your mum was home so I thought this was easier."
"She changed shifts with a coworker, I'm alone. Come inside."

Rye easily climbed over our fence and jogged to my window and he jumped up to the window sill.
"Rye what the fuck?!" I laughed even harder as Rye climbed onto my desk and jumped off it.
"Don't tell me you're studying."
I shrugged. "I'm always studying."
"Babe, no, this isn't healthy, okay? You're young, stop wasting your Friday nights on... whatever the fuck this is when you could be out, partying, having the time of your life."

I shook my head and turned to close my window back. "No, I have to keep up my straight A's. I need a scholarship, I can't disappoint my mum."
Rye sat down in my chair and pulled me down on top of him. "You don't live for your mum, Andy. You live for yourself. So you should be thinking about what you want. Tell me what do you actually want."

I looked down at Rye's tasty lips and licked mine in anticipation. I looked back up into his chocolate brown eyes and smiled.
"You." I whispered and Rye leaned forward to capture my lips in a passionate kiss. My arms circled his neck as his hands went to rest on my hips, keeping me close to himself. As we pulled away, I saw a hint of playfulness in those dark eyes before he turned his head to look at my Maths exercise book.

"Okay, show me what are we dealing with."
"Maths homework." I sighed. Rye examined the page for a while, humming softly from time to time before he let go of my hip with one hand to point at something.
"Miscalculation. That's the only problem here, babe, everything else is good. And if you wouldn't do this so late in the evening, you wouldn't have done that either."

I looked at where he was pointing and my jaw dropped. He was correct.
"I can't believe you're this good looking, can do sports and you're smart as well! The world is so unfair." I whined.
"Come to bed baby." Rye laughed and picked me up, carrying me straight to the bed where he plopped down, making me yelp and him giggle as we bounced on the mattress.

I looked at Rye in the eyes when we finally stopped laughing. My hand came up to draw little patterns on his cheek. "You know you're smart, right?" I asked.
He snorted. "Andy I'm the worst student at school."
"Your Maths have improved though, right?"
"Maybe I'll start tutoring you in every subject."
"Andyyyy!" he whined.
"I just want to get you better grades, okay? You're already so smart and if you get a scholarship, Rye, that would be amazing!"
"Yeah but how about you concentrate on me for five minutes instead of school?" Rye asked with a smile and I rolled my eyes, dropping the conversation so I could just enjoy being in his arms.

Sometimes I thought about what it would be like to have sex with Rye. I mean, I've already done it but I didn't remember a thing. So I really wanted to know how it would feel, especially since Rye was the sexiest guy I've ever seen and everyone said he was a sex god.

"What does it feel like to have sex?"
Rye gasped, then started coughing as if he choked on his own breath or something. I laughed because honestly, that was the cutest reaction ever.
"Would... would you like to have sex?"
"With you, yes."
"Oh wow, well that's um... wow. Well uh sex... we've already had sex." he stuttered nervously.
"I don't remember that." I reminded him with a smile.
"That's right. Well um... it feels amazing."
"Is it... is it painful? Because I remember I was... very sore after we..."

"What? No! No, sex isn't painful at all if you do it right. I must have fucked something up if it hurt you and that's my fault. But I'll try to do better."
I smiled at that promise. He was actually willing to learn about this stuff just to make sex feel better for me?
"I wanna do it." I said with a smile.
"Well, not right now, we don't have any condoms and anything, but... soon."

Rye rolled us around so he was laying on top of me instead of next to me and cradled my face in his big hands.
"Andy you know I'm not with you only to have sex. I really like you and I don't want you to just jump into this, even though we have already done it. That doesn't count, okay? This- this will be your first time. And I want it to be because you want it."

"You dummy, I want to do it with you!" I laughed. "I want to have sex with you Rye, for real. I don't know exactly when, but I wanna."
"Oh." Rye nodded. "Okay then um... if you want to then we can. Just... don't want you to be pressured."
"I'm not, babe."

We laid there for a few minutes in silence. I was slowly falling asleep in his warm embrace as he played with my hair softly, kissing my forehead from time to time. It was so peaceful and I just wanted to stay like that forever.
"Baby... there's a party tomorrow, would you like to come?" he whispered. I hummed in response because I couldn't find the strength to open my mouth and say anything. "I guess that's a yes." he chuckled.
He stayed quiet for another few minutes before...
"Andy, you know I have to go home, right?" I didn't say anything yet again, just snuggled closer to his chest and tightened my grip around his waist. "Want me to sleep over again?"
"Ssssh!" I sushed him and he finally shut up and let me go to sleep.

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