Chapter 23 - He's a Part of It

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- Rye's POV -

I was suspended for Friday and a week after the Christmas holiday was over. That meant I couldn't meet Andy in person and apologize to him for beating his boyfriend. Not that I felt sorry for doing so, the little shit deserved it after saying what he said. But I didn't want to hurt Andy by hurting the ones he loved.

I saw him when he screamed. He had tears runnind down his cheeks, his bottom lip trembling. I felt so bad immediately I just wanted to hold him, I wanted to hug and kiss him and tell him I didn't want to hurt him. But it didn't matter. I didn't matter.
He rushed to Harvey. And he got the empathy and the gentle touches and the tears. I, as always, got nothing but hatred, mean words and a punishment. Even though he was the first one to say anything.

It was the 22nd, Monday. The first day of Christmas holiday and I wanted nothing but to go back to school already. My dad was yelling at my little brother, Shaun, and we really wanted to tell him to just shut the fuck up already, but no one dared to. It was too risky.

The next thing I heard was a high pitched little scream and I snapped my head towards the sound to see my dad pushing the burning fag against Shaun's forearm.
"What the fuck dad!" I yanked his arm away and pulled my little brother to me. "Hey it's okay, don't cry, we'll put ice on it, alright?" I tried calming him.

"He deserved it. Disrespectful little shit." my dad said.
I picked Shaun up and carried him to the kitchen where I sat him down on the counter top next to the fridge. I wiped some of his tears away and kissed his head.
"You're not disrespecful buddy. You're nothing that he says you are." I said before going to the fridge to get an ice cube from the tray and put it on the burn. Shaun hissed, but didn't pull away. "You're a brave little man."
"Thank you big bro."
"Hold it for me right here and when it melts completely, we'll put a cream on it that will help you heal." he put his hand on the ice and grabbed him a cloth to wipe the melted water away.

"I'll be upstairs." I said before heading up and to my room. I plopped down on the bed and reached for my phone.
I hesitated for a while on whether or not should I call Andy, but then I decided it didn't matter, so I unlocked my phone and searched for that unknown number that once sent me a text saying we got an A on our essay. When I found it, I pressed call.

"Hey Andy, it's Rye."
"Yeah, I know, your number is saved. But why did you call me?"

Fuck I had no idea why I called him. I just... I wanted to hear his voice. They sent me home after the fight in the cafeteria and I couldn't go to school on Friday. So the last thing I heard from Andy was a screamed "enough" which I just wanted to forget because he screamed it to me.
I wanted to hear his voice again, I wanted to hear him say "it's going to be okay" in that angelic voice of his. I didn't want that scream to be the last thing I heard from him.
But for now I had to figure out something else.

"My dad burned Shaun with a cigarette." I blurted out.
"Who's Shaun?"
"My little brother. I have three. My big brother Robbie and the little twins, Sammie and Shaun. And Robbie's girlfriend also lives with us, her name's Kate."
"Mhmm... what about your mum?"
"She ran away ages ago."
"How long?"
"10 years. The twins were only two."
"They grew up without a mother?"

The conversation died off for a while, so I just laid there, listening to Andy's steady breathing. I had no idea what to say anymore. Hell, I didn't even want to say anything anymore, I just wanted to know he was there with me.
"Rye." he whispered. "Would you like me to go over? Seems like you could use some company."
I laughed softly. "No, it would be too risky. But thank you."

"You know-" he started again after a long pause. "-my offer stil stands. If you and your brothers and Kate would like to come over on Christmas, you're welcome here."
"Andy... your mum-"
"I'll ask her."
"And Harvey-"
"He wouldn't be free anyway."
I sighed. "I'll ask my family."
I heard an excited squeal on the other side and I laughed. God, he was cute.

"Wanna keep talking?" he asked.
"Nah, I think it's better if you go talk to your mum now. I just wanted to hear your voice."
I laughed at his remark before hanging up. I really wasn't sure what was going on in my life, but I liked that he was a part of it.

- Andy's POV -

"Mum!" I yelled as I ran out of my room and to the kitchen.
"What is it baby? Is something wrong?"
"No no no, nothing's wrong. I just wanted to ask... what would you say if I told you that guests are coming over this Christmas?"

She gasped. "Your cousins-"
"No, they're still assholes. But-"
"Mum let me finish!" I stopped and let my mum quiet down. "It's not Harvey, he's spending the holiday with his family at his grandparents' house. But Rye and his brothers would like to come over. Well, actually, I asked them to come over."
My mum frowned. "Why would you do that? Don't they have a family as well? Parents who would like to spend time with them?"

I sighed and walked over to her, leaning against her slightly so we were shoulder to shoulder as she washed the dishes.
"Mum, Rye's mother ran away years ago and his dad is alcoholic. He lives with his dad, his two younger twin brothers and a big brother and his girlfriend. And they don't really want to spend the holiday with their dad."

My mum looked at me with tears in her eyes.
"I didn't know..."
"It's okay, mum. But then... can they come over?"
"Yeah... yes they can. I think I could use some helping hands in the kitchen." she smiled softly.
"I knew you wouldn't mind." I pressed a kiss to her cheek. "I'll text Rye."

Me: my mum's ok with it, you can come over!

A short filler... the next one's gonna be long though.
This is just my luck, by the way. Writing a summer fic during Christmas and writing Christmas in March😂😂

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