Chapter 25 - Break Up with Your Boyfriend

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- Andy's POV -

Harvey got invited to a New Year's Eve party and he asked me to go with him. I honestly wasn't fond of the idea, but I couldn't say no to him, so I asked my mum and she let me go. I felt bad for leaving her alone on New Year's Eve, but it was Harvey's idea after all.

So on the 31st, I had gotten ready and around 8pm, Harvey picked me up with his dad's car because the party was a bit far away. When we arrived, I was fascinated by how big and beautiful the house was and I was kinda sad that I went there for a party and not to just spend some time there alone with Harvey.

"Ready babe?" my boyfriend asked.
"Y-yeah. I think so."
We got out of the car and Harvey grabbed my hand as he got next to me. We walked into the house and I was already feeling a bit uncomfortable from the amount of people and the volume of the horrible music. Harvey, on the other side, was seemingly happy as he walked around, greeting his friends while he refused to let go of my hand, so he was pulling me after himself, introducing me to everyone as his boyfriend. It felt good, knowing someone was proud to date me. But it also... didn't feel as good as it did in the beginning of the relationship.

Harvey sat down on an armchair and pulled me down onto his lap. I laughed as I plopped down and he groaned. I pressed a light kiss on his cheek and he turned his head to kiss my lips. It felt good. But not as good as Rye's.
Harvey got lost in the conversation with his friends after that and I used the opportunity to pull my phone out and text Rye.

Me: hey. having fun?
Rye: Course. Spending time with my alcoholic dad is always fun right
Me: sorry
Rye: I didnt mean to sound aggressive. Just a bit frustrated. Hes breaking stuff
Me: what's got into him?
Rye: The vodka
Me: can i cheer you up somehow?
Rye: What are you doing?
Me: harvey made me come to this stupid party
Rye: Your not enjoying?
Me: nah it's boring. i'd much rather be with you
Rye: Same

"Would you like to drink somethig babe?" Harvey asked, pressing a kiss to my neck. "Who are you talking to?"
I put my phone away before he could see the name or the texts and kissed him hard. "I think I'll have something light." I answered.
"Who was that baby?"
"Brook. He asked if we had any Maths homework for the holiday and I told him I don't know but I will check as soon as I get home."
"Okay." he sighed and stood up, pushing be down on the ground. "Let's get something to drink."
"Wait, you'll drink as well?" I asked as he pulled me with him towards the kitchen.
"Of course."
"But you drove here."
"We'll stay for the night. I mean Charlie said we could take a room we liked."

Harvey handed me a cup of... something, while he poured some whiskey to himself. I took a sip and grimaced at the sour taste. I downed it in one so I didn't have to taste it for long and I felt it burn all the way down my throat.
"Woah baby, slow down." he chuckled and pulled me to himself with a hand on my waist. "Wanna get drunk?"
"Maybe..." I said hesitantly. I honestly didn't, but I didn't want to be a mood killer.
"Mmmh and what are you planning to do while getting drunk?"
"I... I don't know. What should I do?"
Harvey laughed and put his cup down before taking mine and putting it down next to his. "Come with me baby, we'll look for a room to spend the night in."

Harvey pulled me to the stairs and picked me up at the bottom so he could carry me upstairs. He kept kissing my neck, making my breath hitch a little. He carried me into a bedroom and locked the door behind us.
"Harv... what are you doing? What about the party?"
"I only care about you now baby." he whispered as he grabbed the hem of my crop top and pulled it off. He started kissing down my chest and it felt good, it really did. But all I could think about was our first kiss.

I had no experience, since Harvey was my first kiss, so I had no one to compare him to. And I thought it was just utterly perfect. But ever since that kiss with Rye, I knew that wasn't the case. I knew Harvey was a good guy and a very good kisser and I loved him, but not like that. He didn't kiss like Rye, he didn't make me feel special like Rye, he didn't touch me like Rye... he just wasn't Rye. And I didn't need anyone who wasn't Rye.
So I couldn't fool that poor boy more than I already had.
I pushed him away.

"Harvey... I have to tell you something." I whispered.
"What baby? That you're a virgin? 'Cause I know that."
Oh no, you don't.
"It's not that, it's... I... Harvey I think we should break up."

I looked down at the floor, basically staring a hole through it as I was too scared to look up and see anger, hatred, sadness, pain in one of my dearest friends' beautiful eyes. I couldn't handle it.
"W-wh-what... what do you mean we should break up? Why?" he stammered.
I crossed my arms in front of my chest as a way of self-defense. "I don't... feel the way I did before." I admitted.
"...Is it because of me?"
I finally looked up and saw tears in his eyes. "No!" I said immediately. "I promise you Harvey, I swear to god this isn't your fault. It's mine, all mine because I-I... I cheated on you."

Harvey's expression changed from hurt to furious very quickly. He took a step back as if he was disgusted by me.
"You did what?"
"I cheated on you." I repeated quietly, my voice shaking.
He started pacing around the room silently until he stopped in front of me again. "It was fucking Ryan, wasn't it? You two have been so close suddenly, no wonder why then."
I didn't answer. I couldn't. I couldn't just admit that he was so painfully right. But I guess he figured it out from my body language because the next thing I knew was that my top was pushed into my hand and he unlocked the door.

"Leave." he spat.
"Harvey I'm so-"
"Don't even get started, Fowler. You know, I loved you and I trusted you. And now you... I'm fucking disgusted by you, Andy. Just... leave me alone, okay?!"
"But... Harvey you... you brought me here I-"
"GET YOURSELF A FUCKING TAXI OR AN UBER, I DON'T FUCKING CARE!" he screamed and I jumped from the anger in his voice. I quickly put on my top before escaping the room. I stayed there for a while and I heard sobs coming from the inside. I couldn't help but start crying as well.

I ran downstairs and out of the noisy house, walking to the direction where we came from. I wasn't quite sure if I knew the way right, but I couldn't care less at that moment. All I wanted was Rye to wrap his arms around me again and comfort me. But I didn't even dare to text him because I just couldn't bring myself to do so after seeing Harvey like that.

I walked, crying and freezing to death in my party clothes. When I luckily got home, I found that my mum was still awake, drinking champagne on the sofa while watching the news.
"You know you're supposed to drink that after the countdown, right?" I asked and she turned her head to me.
"Honey, what are you doing home? Have you been crying?"
I didn't say anything, just nodded as I felt another teardrop slide down my tear stained face that has been dried off and painted red by the cold winter wind.
"Oh my dear, come here." he said and I rushed over to her to sit down next to her and cling to her side.

"We broke up mum." I sobbed, not even sure if she could understand my slurred words as I kept sobbing. But it didn't matter because she kept rubbing my back soothingly, rocking from side to side a little to calm me a little as I let everything out.

This is a pretty sad one but hey... now Andy's single!

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