Chapter 10 - Misunderstandings

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- Andy's POV -

Harvey was such a kind boy. Him and my friends got along pretty well and very soon, he became a part of our little circle.
By the end of the week, when Alex decided to sit next to Connor and Brook next to Harper during History class, I still didn't have to sit alone.

"You look very good today Andy." Harvey said and I couldn't help the blush that spread over my face.
"You're not so bad yourself either, Cantwell." I joked and pushed his arm lightly. Harvey might look skinny, but I felt his muscles under my hand and I couldn't help squeezing it.
"You like my spaghetti noodles?" he joked.
"You're actually more muscly than I am. You could beat me." I chuckled.
"Or pin you against a wall." he said under his breath. My eyes widened, but he didn't see so I decided to act like I didn't hear it. He probably just joked anyways.

The teacher soon walked in with papers in her hands.
"Okay children, I have checked out your essays. I'd appreciate it if you could pass these out." she gave the papers to a student, who started passing the papers out. I looked around to see if Rye was anywhere near, but I couldn't see him. I was sure he was coming late again.

Our paper was put down in front of me and I looked at it immediately.
"Yes!" I whispered when I saw the A at the top of the paper.
"Ugh whose handwriting is so damn ugly?" Harvey laughed.
"Oh um Rye's. I don't know if you've met yet..."
"The big scary guy with the tattoos who always bullies everyone?"
"Yeah, that's the one."
"Why did you work with him? Doesn't he pick on you as well?"
"I got paired up with him because he needed a good grade." I shrugged.
"Next time maybe we could work together. I could use a good History grade as well." Harvey joked and bumped his shoulder against mine. I chuckled and looked down at the paper again just so I wouldn't have to look at him directly.

The class was interrupted by Sonny and Jack bursting in. They mumbled a half-assed apology for arriving late, then sat down at the back. I was surprised Rye didn't come with them. Maybe he sneaked off with Honor again?

When the class ended, I rushed over to Sonny, the nicer one out of the duo.
"Excuse me." I started quietly and the boy's head snapped to me. "I'm sorry but I just wanted to ask if Rye is coming to school today or not because I wanted to tell him we got an A on the essay..."
Sonny looked at me annoyed, but still took his phone out with a sigh and showed me the screen.
"Just write down the number and leave me alone, fag. I'm not in the mood to be around you today." he said and I was quick to pull out my phone and add the number to my contacts. I thanked him with a smile and joined my friends at the door, who were staring at me wide eyed.

"Did you just..." Connor asked.
"I think I did." I said with a smile, squeezing my phone that now had Rye's number in it.

During my next class, I shot a text to Rye, saying we got an A. I expected him to like... at least say something positive. He didn't get an A too often, after all. But no, what I got back was just a "k" and it made me feel something in my chest.
It had me thinking if I've done something. I mean, I just wanted to know what happened to his back. And what I got back is bullying, bullying and even more bullying. I wasn't sure why was he doing what he was doing but I let him be. I just guessed that was his way of talking to people.

- Rye's POV -

My ears were ringing from the shouting and screaming in the house. I just wanted to go out, clear my head a little. But I couldn't leave my brothers and Kate alone with my dad, I was the only one who could hold dad back a little bit.

November 18th. The day mum left the house, the day we were left alone with our dad for life. It was the hardest for us, for dad, especially. He took a day off so he could drink away his sorrows. That meant I had to take a "day off" as well. Robbie went to get me a paper from the doc so I wouldn't get in trouble for missing school. That meant I was alone in the house with my dad and Kate, since I sent the twins to school.

"You know-" dad said between hiccups. "-you're the reason why she left. She hated you little demons."
"Yeah dad, I bet she did." I said. After a while, I got used to him saying things like this to us. It was an everyday thing.

"She really hated being here." he said quietly this time.
"Everyone does." I replied and from the corner of my eye, I saw him chug down the rest of the whiskey. Then, I felt a sharp pain at the back of my head and the sound of glass shattering filled my ears. My vision went black.

The next thing I knew was that I was laying on something soft, a cold, wet thing at the back of my head. I opened my eyes and looked around to see that I was in my room. I sat up slowly and looked down at my pillow to see a wet cloth laying there, painted red by my blood.
The ringing in my ear stopped and I heard the yelling again. Kate and dad were fighting again.

I reacher for my phone to check the time, since I had no idea how long I've been out.
The first thing I noticed on my screen wasn't the time, though. It was the text from the unknown number. I opened it.

Unknown: Hey. This is Andy Fowler and I just wanted to let you know we got an A on our History essay.

What the fuck, where did he get my number from?
I was pulled out from my thoughts when the yelling went quiet and all I heard was Kate's cries. I quickly sent Andy a "k" and ran downstairs as quickly as I could. Kate was kneeling on the floor in the middle of the living room, my dad's hand tangled into her hair and pulling so hard it was visible he was hurting her. Kate was crying, trying to pull away as my dad pulled her head towards his crotch.

"What the fuck are you doing you sick fuck?!" I yelled and my dad finally let go of Kate. She immediately stumbled to her feet and ran over to me. I put my arms around her to calm her down, but pushed her away and behind me as soon as I saw my dad marching closer to me.
I was ready to punch.

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