Chapter 22 - A Christmas Invitation

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Yay finally you guys are kinda catching up with me... I have so many more drafts so I just want to shorten the space between what you guys have read and what I've already written...

- Andy's POV -

Rye has been convincing his friends to stop bullying others and the first one to give in was Sonny, he stopped almost as suddenly as Rye. But Jack was a bit harder to convince. Even the day before, I heard some of his mean comments he said to a few students, followed by a "dude stop it" from either Rye or Sonny. But today, he didn't do anything. I didn't hear him say anything, not even to the ones he bullied a day before. I could only wonder what happened.

"Do you think Jack changed?" Brook asked with a smile. I rolled my eyes before looking back down at my lunch.
"Brooky, I think you shouldn't get yourself worked up. He didn't turn gay, he just stopped bullying." I said.
"Yeah. Just be thankful and move on." Harvey agreed.
"But... how am I supposed to move on now?"
"Find yourself someone else. Someone who will treat you better than a bully." Harper said.
"So anyone, basically." Alex joked and we all laughed.

"Hey." I heard a familiar voice behind me. I turned around to see the handsome brunet standing right there. "Can we talk?" he asked, looking right at me.
"Sure. What's wrong?" I asked.
Rye looked over my friends, his eyes getting stuck on my boyfriend next to me, who had a hand on my thigh. I saw Rye's eyes flicker to Harvey's hand, then back to my eyes. His jaw clenched. "Alone."

I stumbled to my feet after apologizing to my friends and walked out of the cafeteria behind Rye. We went to the bathroom and Rye checked if every stall was empty before turning to me with a smile.
"What?" I asked, now also smiling too.
"Nothing. I just wanted to kiss you." he said before lunging forward and pushing me against a wall with the force of his kiss. I let my hands rest on his chest as his arms wrapped around my waist. His big hands felt so warm on the small of my back, they made me feel safe.
I was about to deepen the kiss, when I remembered whose hand I had on my thigh just a second ago and I pushed Rye away with my hands on his chest.

"What? Wasn't good?" he asked.
"No, it was amazing but... Rye what are we doing?"
"What do you mean? We're kissing."
"No, Rye, you know what I said the day before yesterday. I'm in a relationship and I don't think you want one with a guy. Am I right?"
Rye looked down shyly, but didn't let go of me. "Well... just not in front of everyone. I mean I..." he finally looked back up into my eyes, smiling. "I like kissing you, it feels really good. But I don't really understand myself right now."

I nodded because really, I knew what that felt like. I knew that liking your own gender is very scary at first and too much to handle.
I pulled Rye into a hug and he accepted it.
"It's going to be okay. You'll figure out what's going on soon, I promise. If you get used to it it's not as scary as it is in the first."
"Andy my dad hates gays."
My heart clenched. I wanted to help Rye so badly, but I knew I couldn't help him in this situation. He just had to wait until he was ready to tell his family and maybe they won't approve, maybe they will.

"Can I calm you down somehow?" I whispered. I felt Rye nod before pulling away from the hug. He had tears in his eyes.
"Can we keep kissing? It takes my mind off things."
I hesitated because I've just said no to kissing. I've just told him I was in a realtionship and that he didn't want one. Yet my fatal instincts kicked in and all I could hear in my head was 'you want him, take him, kiss him, he wants you too, just do it!'. So pulled him into another soft kiss, which quickly turned into a make out session. It wasn't a dirty one or anything like that, just sweet and gentle. It felt so natural to keep kissing Rye, nothing forced, it was like breathing.
It was shocking how quickly I got used to Rye's lips on mine, considering how our relationship was only a few weeks ago.

I had no idea how much time we spent in the bathroom, but when it seemed to get too long, I pulled away, no matter how much I wanted to keep kissing him.
"We should go back."
"Yeah." he agreed and checked himself out in the mirror. He wiped the remains of my lip gloss off his mouth while I tried to fix my makeup and my hair. When we were presentable, we walked out of the bathroom into an empty hallway and headed towards the cafeteria.

"How are you going to spend your Christmas?" I asked, just trying to break the silence.
"Well I will probably spend my day with trying my best to hold back my dad from beating my family. I'll hand him drink after drink until he knocks himself out, then we eat whatever Kate cooks and go out to the nearby forest to sit down around a big pine tree and remember all the other horrible Christmases we've spent like that."
"Yeah, it's not the best ever. What about you?"
"Me and my mum always bake a cake together. We don't even care about the other foods, we just bake a cake." I chuckled. "Then decorate the tree together and snuggle on the sofa and watch 12 Dates of Christmas. Every single year."
"What the fuck is that?" Rye laughed.
"A Christmas romcom."
"Of course it is."

We got back to the cafeteria. Rye walked me back to my seat and then just stood there for a while in front of me.
"You know... my mum always complains that no one comes around for Christmas because our relatives are kinda jerks... Maybe she'd be happy if I invited a whole family over."
"Andy no, you know you mum doesn't like me."
Gah, he was right.

"And I thought the one you will invite over for Christmas will be your boyfriend." I heard Harvey's voice and I felt him put his arm around my shoulders.
"My boyfriend has his family to spend it with." I said to Harvey.
"So does Rye. Then why invite him over?"
"Harvey please stop."

"No, I'm sick of this! Why would you invite him over? He doesn't need your mum, he has his own dirty family who hate him!"

Harvey was tugged away from me and the next thing I saw was the two boys on the floor, Harvey underneath Rye as he punched him over and over again.
"Don't fucking talk about my family like that ever again!" Rye yelled as he landed punch after punch.
Other people tried to pull them apart, but none of them seemed to be stronger than Rye. They couldn't pull him off my boyfriend, which lead to more and more punches.
"Enough!" I yelled, but he didn't hear it.

"ENOUGH!" I screamed and the whole cafeteria turned to me, along with Rye. He stopped punching Harvey and finally realized what was going on. He jumped off my boyfriend and he tried to come closer to me.
"Andy I'm-" he started, but I couldn't care. I rushed over to Harvey, semi-unconscious and completely beat up.

"Harvey, baby, I'm here. I'm right here." I whispered, grapping his hand.
"Andy..." he mumbled.
"Yes, I'm here. Does it hurt?"
"I... lo... y..."

I was pulled away from him by a teacher, who kneeled next to Harvey instead. Then came the school nurse as well.
"Ryan Leonard Beaumont, to the office, right now!" the teacher yelled and I looked at Rye. He looked halfway between sad and furious. He looked at me one last time before he walked out of the cafeteria, I assume, heading towards the office.

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