Chapter 21 - Telling the Boys

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- Rye's POV -

Honor didn't come anywhere near me, which was amazing. I really didn't want to see her after what happened last week. What I did have to see, though, was Andy and his boyfriend walking around holding hands all day long.
My friends have stopped bullying them, which I was grateful for. I think after I told Sonny about Andy, he didn't even want to bully gays anymore and Jack just went with it.

I was really considering telling Jack about stuff too because after that hot kiss with Andy, I really knew I felt something for guys as well. Especially Andy. Or maybe only Andy, it didn't matter. Jack was just as good of a friend of mine as Sonny was and I wanted to tell him.

"Are you guys free now?" I asked as we walked out of school. "Maybe we could go to Jack's, hang out for a while?"
"Sure thing mate." Jack said and Sonny agreed as well. We got into Jack's car and he drove us to his house. We were feeling so at home in each other's houses, we didn't bother with formalities anymore, we just walked right inside and made ourselves comfortable in the living room.

"Is your family home?"
Jack shook his head. "Nope."
"Okay then I wanna tell you something. Sonny already knows-" I looked at my other friend, who was looking at me concerned with wide eyes. He knew.
"What is it bro, you sound weird. Is there something wrong with your dad?"
"No, it's not him, it's about me. Just promise me you won't freak out."
"You're already freaking me out, mate, just tell me what's going on!"

I bit my lip, trying to look anywhere but at Jack as I figured out what to say.
"Come on!" he said.
"I might be kinda attracted to guys." I blurted out finally.
And then silence took over. I didn't dare to look at either of the boys, just staring right at my feet while I heard my heart beat so fast and so loud against my ribcage I was scared it would burst.

"Excuse the fuck out of me?" Jack said and I finally looked up at him. He didn't seem mad, just very shocked.
"So uh... I think I like Andy."
"Faggot Fowler?"
"Dude..." Sonny said, shooting him a glare.
"Sorry, it's a reflex. So uh... how did this happen?"

I told Jack everything I told Sonny as well. I told him about the rape, about the excuses to be with him, about my sudden attraction, the truth about Honor.
Along with something not even Sonny knew before.
"And uh... yesterday I went over to study again but we ended up... kissing." I said with a nervous smile.

"WHAT?!" both of my friends exclaimed in chorus, making me chuckle.
"He put on a dress and he looked so sexy I couldn't hold myself back so I just kissed him. He tried to protest and tell me he had a boyfriend but he didn't last for too long. He's actually a very good kisser."

"Wow... dude that's um... a lot to take in. But uh... just tell me how. How did you turn from a homophobic into someone who kisses Fowler?" Jack asked.
"I honestly don't know Jack. I mean... the only reason why I always really hated Andy was how perfect and confident he was. When we had sex, I saw a completely new side of him. And when we talked, I saw another side. And I liked them. And I realized, maybe I judged too quickly, maybe Andy isn't a person who I should hate. So when I stopped hating him, I started liking him. And now we're here..."

"Wow that's deep." Jack sighed. "Deeper than Sonny's sisters."
"Did you have to ruin the moment?" Sonny asked and we all bursted out laughing.
I was so glad that neither of my friends hated me for the way I was. I wasn't quite ready to tell anyone else yet, but at least I had two of the most important people in my life by my side.

- Andy's POV -

"Babe why do you have energy drinks in your fridge? I thought you don't like drinks that are high in caffeine." Harvey asked as he walked over to me with a glass of orange juice in his hand that he reached to me.

"Oh um... I bought them for Rye. He really likes Monster and he spends a few hours here every Tuesday so I thought it would be nice to have something he likes."
"Oh so you... bought drinks specifically for Rye Beaumont."
Harvey laughed nervously. "Can't you see why this is wrong baby?"
I frowned. "No. Why is it wrong?"

Harvey sighed and sat down next to me on the sofa, facing me.
"Because he's a dick. He's never done anything good in his entire life, I don't even know why his family loves him."
"Harvey that was harsh." I interrupted as soon as he mentioned his family. "You don't know him, don't say things like that about him."
"He says mean things to everyone!"
"Do you want to be like that as well? A bully?"

Harvey looked away. "...No."
"Good. Rye was mean to me, I know that. But since we got to know each other a little better, he's been nice to me. He asked his friends to stop bullying, not just me, but everyone. And they're slowly stopping. It's great, he's made a progress. And when he's here, he can be respecftul towards me and my mum as well. Okay, he once called her Mrs. Fowler but he didn't know..."
"That bitch-"
"Harvey he didn't know he died. My mum didn't even correct him."
"Harvey calm the fuck down! He didn't do anything bad, he's been nice to me and he stopped bullying. I think this is all the proof you need that a bad person can change as well.

"Oh, suddenly the demon grows wings." Harvey snorted and I glared at him. I turned to the TV instead and decided to ignore his mean comments. We watched the movie in silence, until I felt him move closer to me. I tried to shake off his touch, push him away and tell him to stop, but he wrapped his arms around me and leaned his head against mine.
"I'm sorry." he mumbled. "I just want to protect you."
"I appreciate it. But don't hurt others in the process, okay?"
"Yes baby."

He started kissing the soft skin under my ear, the spot that drove me crazy. I let out a quiet, breathy moan and closed my eyes. And when I did, all I could see was Rye. Rye's flushed face after our kiss, his slightly calloused fingertips tracing the skin on my hipbone, his togue dancing against mine.
I didn't want Harvey.
Not anymore.
No matter how sweet and caring and perfect he was, I wanted Rye.

I told you it's gonna be fast, didn't I😂😂

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