Chapter 12 - My Chest Hurts

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Ok guys so I have lots and lots of chapters finished already and I can't wait to upload them. So maybe I'll post a few chapters daily and when I start running out then slow down the updating again because I'm a biPoLaR PiEcE oF sHIt😂😂

- Andy's POV -

I dressed up nicely for the date, painted my nails and put on my cutest heels. I put on a little lip gloss as well because... you know why.
I was styling my hair in the bathroom when I heard my mum call for me, saying Harvey was here. I quickly forgot about my hair and started panicking instead. What if he won't like me? What if he's playing? What if-
I slowly gathered myself again and calmed down. I walked out to the front door with a smile on my face. When my eyes met Harvey's, I saw them light up.

"Wow." he breathed. "You look stunning."
I looked over him as well. He was wearing a dark blue shirt with white skinny jeans, a chain dangling in his neck. If I was stunning then what was he?
"You look very good as well." I said shyly. Harvey reached his hand to me and when I grabbed it, he pulled me out through the door.
"Bye mum!" I yelled before going after Harvey.

The date went amazing. He paid for both of our food and we talked about everything and nothing for so long, by the end of the date my face was hurting from smiling so much.
After Nando's, we went to get an ice cream and Harvey walked me home, our fingers were laced together the whole time. I've never experienced anything quite like that before and I didn't want it to be over. I didn't want to let go of Harvey and go home where I'd miss him for the rest of the day.

"We're here." he said as we stopped in front of my house. I sighed. God I didn't want to let him go.
"Come inside?" I tried.
"Can't. I have homework due tomorrow." he said with a sad smile. "I'll see you tomorrow then."
"Yeah... tomorrow." I nodded.
Harvey put a hand on my cheek and my heart started beating faster. He was so close, oh god he was so close.
"Can I kiss you?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
"Yes." I answered, a smile spreading across my face before Harvey's soft lips touched mine. My hand came up to grab onto the shirt on his side, gripping it tightly so he wouldn't stop. I've never been kissed before so I couldn't compare it to anything, but he tasted so good and his lips on mine just felt... so good and so real. He actually kissed me.

"Okay now I really gotta go home." he said when we pulled away.
"Harv... are we together?" I asked unsure. I mean, kissing didn't always mean you're dating right?
"I hope so." he laughed and I couldn't help but smile again. My face was really hurting at that point.
"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow then."
"Bye Fovvs."
"Bye Harv."

Harvey turned around and started walking away and for a little while I just stood there, looking after him. I started getting cold, though, so I decided to go inside. When I moved to go inside, my eyes met with someone else's. Dark brown eyes were staring at me with so much hatred and disgust filling them it almost scared me.
"Rye..." I breathed, but before I could've said anything to him, he turned back around and walked away.

What did he want? Why was he here? For how long was he standing there and how much did he see?
My mind was filled with quiestions which I pushed away for a while and instead walked inside the house. He certainly wasn't here for me, after all, what would he want from me? He left anyways, so it wasn't too important.

"Andy?" I heard my mum's voice.
"Yes mum, it's me." I replied. As soon as I took off my shoes and jacket, my mum was standing there at the front door as well, smiling at me hopefully.
"How did it go?"
"So good mum, he's an angel. You'll love him." I said with a wide smile. It looked like I just couldn't keep the smile off my face when I talked about him or to him.
"I will? Then I guess you two will meet more?"
"Yeah we will."
"Oh Andy I'm so happy for you!"

Mum embraced me in a tight hug and I didn't even protest. I was so happy I wanted to tell everyone about it, I wanted to stand up on the rooftop and scream from the top of my lungs and let everyone know I finally had a boyfriend. And not just any boyfriend, but Harvey. An amazing and sweet guy who actually liked me for me.
God I couldn't wait to tell Brook the next day.

- Rye's POV -

On Thursday morning, me and my friends and Kirsty and Honor were standing in the hallway, Honor was pressed up against me, my arms around her waist as I chatted with Jack and Sonny. It was just a normal morning, until at once, everyone around us stopped talking. I looked around to see what was going on and saw that everybody was looking at the same direction, towards the door. I turned my head as well to see Andy and Harvey walking into the school hand in hand. They both seemed a bit shy, but as they looked at each other, they smiled widely like two idiots.

What the hell.

"Excuse me, I gotta go throw up." I said, faking gags as I walked towards the men's bathroom. My friends laughed at it, so I played along until the door of the empty bathroom closed behind me. I leaned against it and I felt my eyes tear up a little as I felt an unbearable pain in my chest. What the hell? Am I having a heart attack? What the fuck?!

I tried to even my breathing, washing my face with cold water, but they didn't help. The pain wouldn't go away and I had been inside for far too long to be normal.

Sonny and Jack came into the bathroom to check on me. I told them I actually wasn't feeling well and they helped me up from the cold floor and out of the room. They told Honor, who instantly wrapped around me and helped me up to the nurse's office where I laid down on a bed. The pain in my chest didn't want to go away and I felt like Honor's presence only made it worse.

"Honor go to class please. I'll be fine, I just need to rest." I requested.
"No. I can't leave your side, what will happen if I do?"
I'll fucking feel better.
"I'll be fine babe, I promise. You can come back after class, just go now." I said and grabbed her shirt to pull her down into a chaste kiss.
"Okay, I'll go." she said and pressed her lips against mine one last time before walking out of the room.

"Symptoms?" the nurse asked when we were finally alone.
"My chest hurts so badly." I rasped, placing a hand on my heart, right where it hurt the most.

I actually love this story so much, I hope you like it as well.
Tell me what you think in the comments!💕

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