Chapter 11 - Just a Nando's

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- Rye's POV -

People tried to contact me during the whole weekend. Honor called me like a hundred times but I never picked it up. I couldn't focus on the outside world when there was a chaos inside the house. The weekend meant that my dad spent the whole day with the family, scaring the fuck out of everyone in the house.

He would start drinking in the morning and at first act normally. But after the sixth bottle, he would go crazy just like he usually did. He would shout, curse, hit us, say mean things to us.
The weekends were the worst. That's why I tried to spend it alone all the time.

When Monday came, dad went to work, still hungover but he always was. Robbie and Kate left to work as well and I walked the twins to school. I dropped them off with a kiss to their head, then I walked to my school alone. I arrived ten minutes late and I went to English class right away. And there he was, Andy Faggot Fowler sitting at the front row with his new best friend. That Harvey guy, with the baby face who somehow got very close to Andy during these last few days. It was ridiculous.

"Mr. Beaumont, you're late again."
"Sorry." I said before making my way to the back where I sat down on my usual place between my two best friends.
"Hey dude." Sonny greeted. "How was the weekend?"
"Rough. Let's not talk about it." I said simply and chose to ignore them instead. My eyes were glued to the back of Fowler's head. I felt the pain in the back of mine, reminding me even more of the fact that Andy didn't have to deal with what I had to deal with. That's why he was so damn perfect. Because he's never had any problems in his life. That fucking bitch.

My hands clenched into a fist as I watched Harvey lean over to whisper something in his ear, making both of them giggle. Fuck them. Why are they so damn happy?! What if they don't even deserve the happiness? And here I am, I haven't had a happy moment ever since my mum left us.

As soon as class ended, I hurried out, making sure to shove both Harvey and Andy. Harvey stumbled a little, but Andy couldn't balance himself in his high heels so he fell onto the ground. Me and my friends laughed as we walked past them.
"Maybe wear normal shoes, Fowler." I said.
"Ryan that's not how you treat your classmates! See me after classes for detention." the teacher screeches and I just nod, rolling my eyes.
Anything to get away from that damn house.

- Andy's POV -

Harvey helped me back onto my feet and pulled me into a hug. I buried my face in the crook of his neck, breathing in his sweet scent. God, how could you feel like this about someone in such a short time?

"Thank you." I mumbled.
"It's nothing, sweetheart. You look hot in those heels, don't listen to that asshole."
"You... you think I look hot?" I stammered. Fuck, what was I supposed to say to that?
"Of course I do." he said and pulled away to look into my eyes. He was so close to me, I could've just leaned in a little closer and-

"Andy, oh my god, are you okay?" I heard Brook's voice laced with concern. I turned my head to the side to see my friends rushing over to me. "Is it broken? Sprained?" he asked, looking at my ankle.
"No Brook, it's completely fine, thanks." I said and put my arms around him instead to comfort him.

"We should go to class." Harvey said awkwardly. Yeah, the mood was pretty much ruined.

The day went by fast. But the tension between me and Harvey just didn't want to go away.
After classes, Harvey offered to walk me home and of course I said yes. I was hoping that we could finally ease that tension away somehow.

As we walked, I noticed Harvey's eyes on me a few times, but I didn't say anything, until once I accidentally caught him staring.
"Uh sorry." he said, scratching the back of his neck. "You're just so pretty I can't look away from you.."
"Harvey..." I said, sure to be smiling and blushing like crazy.
"It's true. You're so beautiful Andy... Can I take you out somewhere?"

The question caught me off guard, making me stop in the middle of the sidewalk. Harvey stopped as well and looked at my wide eyes and open mouth.
"Are you for real?" I asked unsure.
"Of course. I have no idea how no one have tried to yet, like, just look at you."
I chuckled. "There not as many gay people in the school as you think."
"I know but... you get what I mean." he said and smiled widely. God, I loved his smile. His perfect white teeth and his plump lips colliding, making his eyes shine so much it could light up a whole room.

"So what's your answer? It's just a Nando's, maybe... Wednessday, after classes?" he slowly walked closer to me and took my hands in his. His soft hands were a bit sweaty, but that didn't hold me back from squeezing them with mine as I smiled.
"I'd love that." I said and Harvey pulled me into a hug.

We would've stayed like that longer, but other people complained that we took up too much space of the sidewalk, so we kept moving until we reached my house. Before I went inside, Harvey hugged me and I pressed a kiss to his cheek. I saw him blush a little when I pulled away and it was the cutest thing ever.
Then, I walked inside, waving him from the front door before it closed behind me. I leaned against it and tried to digest what have just happened to me. My mum came to the front door after a while since she heard it open but no one said anything or moved.

"Andy, are you okay, love?"
"Mum... I'm honestly so good right now." I said with a wide smile.
"Oh, what made you so happy?"
"Someone asked me out on a date."
My mum gasped, then rushed over to me and embraced me in a tight hug.
"I'm so happy for you baby."
"I'm so happy as well mum."

Oh boy, oh boy...
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I sound like a commercial... sorry guys, I just love your feedbacks💕

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