Chapter 33 - The Talk

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- Andy's POV -

"Baby stop this! You're blueballing me!" Rye whined and I couldn't help but throw my head back as I laughed loudly.
"Don't be so dramatic Ryan." I said and shuffled closer to him on the desk. "Come on, let's do one more problem, it'll be easy."
"Then either get the hell off the desk or put on trousers."
"What, do you not like my skirt?" I asked with an innocent smile.
"Baby I love your skirts just... Jesus I'll have to fuck you on this desk if you don't stop now."

I wiggled my eyebrows in response and that's all it took. Rye has had enough of my teasing and took matters in his own hands. He stood up from my chair and stood between my legs.
"You really want me to fuck you here, don't you?" he growled.
"Well... maybe not here, but on the bed?"
Rye's lips were on mine instantly and he kissed me roughly, harsher than ever before. He gripped the back of my thighs and lifted me up and away from the desk. He walked me over to the bed and sat me down on it, quickly crawling on top of me.

"Baby, is this really how you want it to happen?"
"I... I don't know. I just want you so badly now."
"It's okay then, I'll make you feel good, don't worry."
Rye started removing his jacket as our lips met again, kissing each other so passionately and with such hunger behind it, it was overwhelming. To me, at least.
I really had no idea what was going on or how did this idea just pop into my head, but I knew I wanted Rye. I knew he would make me feel good and take care of me and I trusted him. Despite everything, I trusted him.

Rye's fingers slipped underneath my t-shirt and he started tracting the soft skin there, making shivers run through my whole body. It was incredible how good he made me feel just by kissing and touching me.
His hands travelled up, pushing the shirt further and further up-

"Andy, darling I'm-"
The door swung open and me and Rye flew apart in an instant, my head turning to my mum who was standing at the door, looking at us like she'd just seen a ghost.
"Mum... this is... not what it looks like."
"Oh really? Because it looks like your friend here is trying to force himself on you."
"That's not-"
"Ms. Fowler-" Rye started, standing up from the bed to look straight in her eyes. "-Andy and I a-are together. I wouldn't do anything he doesn't like, I-I promise."

I looked at Rye, completely astonished by what he just said. He'd never said anything like that to anyone before, he never clarified that we were together, not even to me.
"Is that true Andy? Are you dating this boy?" my mum asked me.
I stood up as well and took Rye's hand in mine. "Yes mum, we are." I agreed with a huge smile.
"And when exactly did you plan on telling me that?"
"Well... not right now and definitely not like this."
"Okay, how about you come out to the living room now and we'll talk about this?"
"In a minute mum, just... give us a second okay?"
"Fine, but don't you try and do anything!"
"We won't! Just leave!"

When the door closed behind her, I turned to Rye and jumped into his arms.
"Jesus Andy! What's up with you?"
"Did you mean it? Are we really dating now?"
"Well I mean... we have been for a while, haven't we?"
"Yeah, but now this is official! Someone knows!" I squealed happily.
"I guess you're right." he chuckled. "But now what are we going to do? What are we going to tell your mum?"

I pulled away from him and grabbed his hands in mine. I could tell he was nervous.
"It's okay Rye, she probably just wants to talk about the rules."
"What rules?"
"Oh the rules that are there to make my life worse." I chuckled. "Come on, let's go."

I pulled him to the living room and we sat down on the sofa in front of my mum. She sat on the coffee table, eyes closed and her fingers nervously fidgeting in her lap.
"Ryan..." she started. "I think you should know that since I don't have a husband, this little boy here is my world, my absolute everything. I've been protecting him for 17 years and I will do it for the rest of my life. Which means... if you dare to do anything to my baby, hurt him in any possible way, I will castrate you."
"Mum!" I groaned, but Rye next to me just chuckled.
"Ms. Fowler, I will ask you to castrate me if I let anything happen to him."
"Good, I hope you mean that. And now... I think we should talk about safe sex."

"Nope. Nope, no, this is where you stop mum, thank you, we don't need that." I said and stood up, pulling Rye with me. "I think it's better if you go before this shit gets any more awkward."
I pushed him to the front door, where he turned back.
"Wait, my backpack-"
"Come back for it tonight." I whispered, making him smirk.
"Oh you bet." he whispered back before leaning down to kiss my lips quickly, then waved me goodbye and left.

When I went back inside, my mum was still sitting at the same spot.
"Andy come here. We have to talk, this is my duty as a parent."
"No mum! I don't wanna listen to this I-"
"Andrew Robert Fowler."
I sighed. "Fiiine."
I sat down on the sofa again and she moved to sit next to me instead.
"Have you done anything before?" she asked and I honestly had no idea what to answer. I mean... I kinda lost my virginity but I didn't remember it at all.
"Well no." I answered after a bit of hesitation.

"Look sweetie, I don't know lots of things about... this kind of sex, but there are still some things that I wanna tell you. First of all, use protection. I know this is cliché, but I don't care how much you hate hearing it, I want you to hear it from me too. Protection is important-"
"Okay, let's move on." I interrupted, making her chuckle.
"Second of all, and this is the more important... don't feel like you have to do anything, only do it if you're sure that this is what you want. You'll know if you're doing it with the right person, just listen to your heart."

I looked at her and shuffled a little closer. "Mum I honestly think he's the right person."
"That's good sweetie. Then all I have left to say is be careful and do whatever feels right." she said and kissed my forehead.
"You didn't tell him about the rules. What about the "no sex until you're 18" and "only boys with a normal future are allowed anywhere near you" and "bring him home by 9" and "no doors are allowed to be locked in the house" and those stuffs?"
"Well... I can't tell you what to do forever, can I? You're mature enough to make your own decisions, Andy. And I trust you with this one."

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