Chapter 18 - So Close

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- Rye's POV -

I wouldn't say I regret it. I was very scared that the next day maybe everyone would be talking about it at school, but when I walked through the doors and saw that nothing changed and no one knew about my secret, I realized it wasn't even that bad of an idea to tell Andy about things at home.

Me and my friends stood in the hallway, chatting, when Andy and Harvey walked through the door. Andy was wearing a crop top, ripped skinny jeans and heels, making me and my friends' attention turn to him. But mine for a different reason than theirs.
"Nice heels, little girl." Jack said and my head shot to him immediately.
"Dude stop." I said.
"What's wrong with you?" he giggled.
"Nothing. Just kinda sick of bullying everyone." I shrugged.
"Okay mate, you're weird as fuck. Since when are you protecting him? Isn't he like your biggest enemy?" Sonny asked.
"It's not just about him, it's about everyone we're bullying. We should just stop."
They snorted, but their face changed as soon as they saw I wasn't kidding. They tried to get me to tell them what was wrong or why did I suddenly decide I didn't want to be a bully anymore, but I myself couldn't find a normal reason either. Maybe it was that I really wanted Andy to stop being scared of me. And I didn't want to hurt him after he said he forgave me for everything.

I looked at Andy who was being pulled away from us by his boyfriend's hand in his. His eyes met mine and I shot him an apologetic smile. He smiled back before he was tugged into a classroom.
"Rye what's wrong?" Honor asked, making my eyes snap back to her. She was standing next to me, latched to my side and looking up at me with concern in her eyes.
"Nothing. I just want you all to stop being mean to others."
"Rye this isn't you, what happened?" Jack asked.
"Well guess what happened babe." Kirsty said. "He spent time with Andy yesterday."

"How do you know?" I hissed, glaring at the girl.
"You went to Andy's?!" Sonny yelled, making everyone around us look at me.
"Shut the fuck up. Just... just stop bullying him, okay?" I pushed Honor away and walked away from them and into the classroom where I had History next.

Andy was sitting at his desk with Harvey perched on the desk in front of him, playing with his hair. I wanted to punch the fucker in the face for touching Andy but I couldn't because he was his boyfriend.

Then I smirked as I noticed that technically no one was sitting next to Andy, so I walked over to him and sat down on the chair next to him. All of his friends that were gathered around him looked at me with wide eyes.
"Uh... what are you doing?" Harvey asked. I looked at Andy, who was just... looking. With no feeling visible on his face. I looked back up at the guy on the desk and shrugged.
"What does it look like? I'm sitting next to Andy." I answered.
"No, you are not, because I'm sitting next to him. You know, I'm his boyfriend."
"And I'm a guy who needs good grades now so he doesn't get kicked off the football team. Andy helps me a lot so I'm sitting next to him."

"Rye-" Harvey started again, but Andy interrupted him, putting a hand on the fucker's thigh.
"Harvey, it's okay." the boy said as his thumb stroked his boyfriend's thigh.
"No, it's not! Now he's sitting next to you in English and History, and then he goes to your house every Tuesday for tutoring even though he's your fucking bully! This isn't right, Andy, stop being so fucking nice to him!"
"Harvey stop shouting." Andy said calmly. "Please sit somewhere else, now I don't really want to sit next to you and listen to you talk shit about him for an hour."

Harvey growled and glared at me as he hopped off the desktop. The bell rang and students started to fill up the classroom, Andy's friends slowly disappearing from next to him. I heard the small one whisper in Andy's ear before leaving.
"Tell me if he hurts you in any way."

I looked at Andy as he shook his head with a little smile, then reached for his glasses and put them on.
"I don't want to... not anymore. Hurt you, I mean." I said, not sure if he knew or not.
"Why not?"
"Because... after yesterday I just don't... I can't hurt you after that."
"And why did you hurt me before?"

I looked around and saw several pairs of eyes on us. I understood it, seeing us together wasn't a common thing at all. But I didn't want them to see or hear anything. So when I looked back at Andy, I shook my head.
"I don't wanna tell you here... Next week maybe, after tutoring."
"Harvey has to go to watch his brother's football match after school. So if you want to, you could come over and maybe, like, tell me there? I mean, the least time you spend at home..." he trailed off before he could say anything more.

I rubbed the back of my neck, thinking if it was indeed a good idea to go over to Andy's today too. People were already talking about it, my friends looked at me weirdly and Honor, though she didn't say it, was super jealous. But still, if I thought about going over to that house again, where all my problems seemed to just disappear and where I was alone with Andy and where the whole world seemed so distant I felt my heart beat a little faster.
"I don't know Andy..." I said hesitantly. "What about everyone else? They're talking about us."
"Rye I'm wearing a crop top and high heels and I have makeup on. Do I look like I care about other people's opinion?" he giggled and a smile creeped up my face as well at the cute sound.
"Fine then. I guess I'll go over." I agreed.

- Andy's POV -

After school I got changed into my favourite hoodie and waited for Rye like that. My mum was home so I figured we would go to my room, so I tidied up a little.
When Rye arrived, I didn't even let him say hi to my mum, I just told her we'd be in my room and tugged him along with my by his wrist.

"You're in a hurry." he laughed.
"What? Oh um no I just..." I hesitated a little. My mum wasn't exactly fond of Rye so I didn't want them to meet more than necessary.
"Are you ashamed of me?" he asked and if I didn't know him, I would've said his voice was shaking.
"No! Of course not. It's not me, it's my mum. She doesn't really like you so I don't want her to see you and talk shit about you. But I'm not ashamed, honestly. We can go out and talk to her if that's what you want, I don't mind."
"It's nevermind." he shrugged and jumped into my bed. "So... what shall we do?"

"Well, how about you tell me why did you hate me or do hate me and why did you bully me for years?"
"Right." he sighed and sat up. "So I... before you told me about your dad and shit... all I saw was a perfect guy in a perfect home with a perfect mum living a perfect life. You're always dressed so well and you get straight A's and you have this beautiful house and your mum loves you. Anyone would be jealous."

"So... you bullied me... because you were jealous?" I asked, my eyes wide as I didn't dare to believe what he was saying. There was no way... right?
"Yeah... pretty stupid, I know."
"No it's alright. And uh... are you still jealous?"
"Well kind of. But now I know your life isn't perfect either. And now that you showed me that you trust me enough to tell me all this, I don't want to bully you and hurt you anymore." he shrugged. I shuffled closer to him until we were shoulder to shoulder and looked at him. "What?" he asked with a smile.
"Just... you look good, you know. All the girls want you and all the guys want to be you. Hell, there are even guys who want you. And you're so good at football, I'm very jealous, you know. You might be jealous of my grades but I'm jealous of your talents."

Rye looked at me with a frown. "You... you're jealous of me as well?"
"Of course, who wouldn't be."
"But I'm so fucked up."
"I'm fucked up as well. Yet you're still jealous of me."
As we stopped talking, I became aware of just how close we were. I could feel his warm breath hit my face and when I looked up into his eyes, I saw he was looking at my lips. My eyes flickered down as well, watching as his tongue darted out and licked his chapped bottom lip. I was trying my best to restrain myself from leaning in and just tasting it myself.
Luckily, my mum chose that moment to barge into my room.

"Andy, sweetheart, I'm going shopping do you need... anything... I thought Harvey came over."
"Well... no, Harvey's on a football match today, I was expecting Rye."
"Okay... so do you need anything?" she asked again and didn't even take her eyes off Rye.
"Yes please, could you get me one of those aloe vera drinks and an energy drink for Rye?"
"Andy you don't have to-" Rye tried to protest.
"That's all mum, thank you."
She frowned, but nodded and backed out of my room.

"Sorry." I mumbled.
"Andy you really don't need to buy me stuff everytime I come here."
"I want to." I smiled shyly and I felt my cheeks heat up.
"Thank you." he said and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. My head turned to face him again and now we were even closer. God, this was a stupid idea.

"Let's watch a movie okay?" I asked, getting up and out of the awkward situation.

Do you guys think this is going too fast now? Cuz I have no idea... please let me know❤

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