Chapter 29 - Brook Knows

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- Andy's POV -

"Where were you yesterday?" Brook asked as he sat down next to me in the classroom.
"I was at a funeral." I answered simply because I didn't want to make a big deal out of it.
"Who's funeral?"
I shrugged. "A man's."
"Andy what's up with you lately? You cheat on Harvey, you don't tell us where you've been... do you not want to he our friend anymore?"

I frowned. "Of course I wanna be your friend! Things are just kinda difficult now and I don't want you guys to get involved. It's all so complicated, you wouldn't like it."
Brook moved closer to me. "Try me." he said, quieter this time. Brook was my best friend and as much as he was a good, responsible student, you could also easily get him to do bad things. This wasn't remotely a bad thing, but I knew getting him involved with whatever was going on between me and Rye was a bad... bad idea.

"There's no way." I protested.
"Come ooon! If you don't, I'll tell everyone in school that you hooked up with Jessica and that's why you and Harvey broke up."
I had to gag at that. Jessica was the biggest bitch in our school and I definitely did not want to be associated with her.
"No no no, okay, I'll tell you, just... ugh don't do that ew." Brook laughed at my reaction before shifting even closer so only he would hear what I was about to tell him.

I told him everything. From the drunk sex, all the way up to yesterday's events and Brook listened to it carefully. When I was done, I looked at his face, which I didn't dare to do before, to see his reaction. He looked thoughtful, but his facial expressions didn't give away any positive or negative signs.
"So... What do you think?" I asked.
"It's... interesting. So you just started tutor him after that horrible thing he did and you started getting along completely out of the blue?"

I sighed. "I couldn't resist him when he asked for tutoring. I wanted to help him, no matter what he did."
"Andy you're way too kind." Brook shook his head.
"But this is pretty much what happened, yeah. You know, when you praise him, he does this adorable thing when his whole face lights up and his eyes start to sparkle and he smiles shyly." I explained with a huge grin.
"You know, a few weeks ago if I said this about Jack, you would've told me to get over him because he's an ass."
"Yes, because you like Jack from afar but him and I are different. I know what he's like."

"Whatever. Brook rolled his eyes. "So you like this guy a lot. How are you going to date him publicly?"
"Well for now we won't. He wants to keep it private, between us, until he's ready to come out."
"You think he will ever be ready to come out?"
"I think yes. I can wait for it."

- Rye's POV -

After school, I went over to the boys to hang out a little bit. I spent so much time with Andy I started to ignore them, which I really didn't mean to do. They were my second family and no matter how much I liked Andy, it was never okay to leave my friends because of him.

Kirsty was there too, perched on Jack's lap as we talked about stupid shit and smoked cigarettes.
"And how's Andy?" Jack asked, wiggling his eyebrows. I shot him a glare when I saw Kirsty's confused face.
"What's with Andy? Why do you think Rye knows about him?"
"Oooh tell her!" Sonny laughed and I groaned.
"Guuuuys! This ain't fair, I wasn't ready!"
"Come on Rye, Kirsty is part of us too, she's your friend as well. She deserves to know."

I sat up on the sofa that I was laying on and passed the cigarette from between my lips over to Sonny, who took it.
"Alright um... so you know... Andy and I are kinda getting along."
"Yeah, kinda getting along with his tongue." Jack joked and him and Sonny started laughing.
"What, are you two dating?" Kirsty asked shocked.
"Well... we're messing around. It's not official or anything, just... you know."

Kirsty nodded as if she understood what I was trying to say. "So you like him?"
"I think I do, yeah. He's very nice and sweet and... and god, he's so hot." I laid back down on the sofa and the boys yet again started laughing.
"You need consent if you want to fuck him again, you know." Sonny joked.
"Shut up, you know I wouldn't rape him again." I growled.
I sighed. "It's complicated, okay? It's just... yeah. Please don't tell anyone about him, okay?" I asked and Kirsty nodded before turning back to kiss Jack. Well, I wasn't too interesting anymore.

Short filler. Sucks, I know, but from now on I'll get back to daily posting because I have finished this book in my drafts, so get ready!

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