Chapter 1

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Y/n's POV

A lot has changed for the past 3 years. Yes, Jihyo and I are engaged for over 3 years now and we're still saving up for the big day. I really like her ideas but it's a little pricey. Welp being her fiancée, I'll always find a way to give what she wants.

"Lovie?" She calmly said and I glanced at her, "Yes? Do you need anything?" I asked while taking a sip of my coffee. She stared at me for a while before talking.

"I love you" She smiled after stating that. It made me smile as well, gosh how is she doing this. She never fails to make me smile and make my heart go all crazy.

"I love you more" I placed my coffee on top of our coffee table in front of our t.v before sitting down beside her and giving her a little peck on her chubby cheeks.

She somehow frowned and pouted her lips, it made me wonder why so I asked her. "What is it?" I asked. She didn't even say anything she just continued pouting and pointed at her pouty lips. And I already knew what my baby wants.

I rolled my and chuckled before holding her chin softly and gave her a kiss. She smiled cutely and asked for another, so, I have her what she desired.

"Hihi, I love youuu" She said and gave me a hug, "I love you moreee" I said then I hugged her back. It may look and sound cheesy but trust me, for 3 years I've dealt with all of this simple things.

And these simple things just simply makes us happy, It just never tires me nor her. Just puro love and happiness I guess.

"You better get ready, We're going out on a date today!" I cheerfully exclaimed. "A date?? really?? okay okay I'll go take a shower first!" She said before getting up and entering the bahtroom.

I was just there chuckling at how cute she is and thinking.. I'm so lucky to have you.

Just a friendly reminder, Park Jihyo is mine! Only mine! Go find yourself another girl 'cause this one is for sure taken.

I tidied up our room, placed everything in their rightful places and finished my coffee while I look out our balcony.

Jihyo picked a nice place where we should live, I normally let her decide what should happen since she is a year older than me. I can't take care of myself properly so yeah I prefer someone a year older than me, I was just lucky that I received an angel.

"Lovieeee, I forgot to bring my towel. Can you please hehe you know get it for me?" She said, peeping her head a little at the door. I sighed pretending to be lazy. Which I am.

"You can go get it, it's near our nightstand" I casually replied, taking one last sip of my coffee. I turned around to go back inside but then I saw her already inside our room.

I was shocked of course so I quickly turned my gaze somewhere. I can feel her smirking and I can hear her walking towards me.

"Lovie?" She said, giving me a back hug. Lord, Help.

"Y-yes?" I stuttered. I was busy freaking out and she was busy kissing my shoulder, until I realized that she was wearing nothing and she decided to go out on our balcony.

I hurriedly carried her back inside, "Y-yah! Put me down!" She said, hitting my arm a little. I placed her down on our bed and threw the towel at her. "Go dress up, I'll just go take a shower" I was red as a tomato, I can't even look at her.

"You're so cute" She laughed at me for being flustered, and I just rolled my eyes at her before picking out my clothes.

Just a normal white tee, skinny jeans and a pair of white shoes is always my go to. Ah right! I had a haircut last week and I look like a dude. Thankfully Jihyo liked it.

"I'll dress in here, okay?" I said before giving my baby a kiss and she just nodded as a response. I went to the bathroom to do my routine.

~ 10 minutes later ~

Finally done! Just have to dry myself up, dress up and fix my hair. I went out only wearing my upper undergarment and my ripped jeans, I sighed when I saw Jihyo.

"Lovie? What the hell are you wearing?" I walked towards her, she turned around and smiled "Your shirt! hihi" I couldn't keep a straight face (cuz you ain't straight dummy) and I couldn't resist her cuteness.

"You always wear my shirt!" I said and started to look for another one, and while I was doing that she gave me a back hug again and whispered.."I like the fact that I'm wearing daddy's shirt" she smirked and yes I felt that and yes once again, I have that weird kink developed ever since Jihyo here, called me Daddy while-- urghh.

"Pft, Lovie just go put your shoes on. This time you do it!" I exclaimed after putting on my shirt.

She pouted and sat down at the end of our bed, she's sulking again.

I sighed and sat on the floor in front of her, I dusted the bottom of her feets and put on her socks. I inserted them into her shoes and tied them up.

"Done." I suitingly said and sat down beside her to put mine next. In the middle of putting on my shoes, she randomly laid down on my back and told me to hurry up. I supported ourselves becaude I didn't want her to fall.

"Lovieee, you're heavy!" I whined, she got off and told me to hurry tf up again. This girl is really something.

Finally done.

"Got everything ready?" I asked and she nodded, I was just fixing my hair and told her to wait for me at the garage.

Ahh Jihyo, Loving you will always be my favorite thing to do..


heyow, part 2 chapter 1 :)))

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