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The room was decorated in dark red and gold with a carpet laid down, a circular table in the side of the room beside a fireplace. There were a few candles placed around the room with flames that flickered with each breath of the woman standing a few ways away, in front of a long mirror, fixing her attire.

She was dressed in silk coloured a rich, dark red, black and gold embodiments in her robes. Her dark hair that just reached her chest was pulled back in a half bun, a flame made of gold - the Fire Nation insignia - holding her hair in place. She made sure all of her hair was put in her bun except from two strands she left to frame her face. She took a step back, pleased with her appearance as she looked at herself.

"Not a hair out of place," she murmured just as she felt the ship start to slow down. Next, the engines were shut down. She cast a last look at her reflection before she walked away. After a week of travelling, she had finally reached Republic City.

There was a knock on her door a few seconds later. "Princess Kaida, we've arrived at Republic City."

She turned to the closed door, "You may come in."

The door opened at once and the Captain of her ship appeared. He regarded her seriously. "Princess Kaida, we've arrived. Should we proceed to the city?"

She nodded, "Let's get off this ship." She was on her way to the door as she paused beside the Captain and turned to face him. "Once I get to the hotel, you and your men are free to spend your day as you wish."

The Captain bowed, "Thank you, Princess."

She walked away without an attempt to take her luggage, aware that even if she wanted to, they wouldn't let her carry it outside. She got on the deck, the crew bowing on her way as she nodded back at them. Behind her some men followed with her belongings she would take with her to the city as she left the ship and got to the port, stepping foot in Republic City.

She looked around. Most of the city was covered in vines and the Spirit Portal shone bright and clear, shooting its viridiscent beam into the sky. Republic City was nothing like the Fire Nation capital but there was something about it she liked. With a small smile, she moved to the vehicle reserved just for her and a short while later, they were heading to the city.

It was a short ride to the hotel she would be staying at for the next few days before she were to return to the Fire Nation. Of course, she got the suite, and she followed her guide to her room, a few of her men behind her with her belongings at hand. She was let in the room and one by one, her men placed her belongings to the side. She wasn't fazed by the luxury of her room, already used to riches. Once her men had left, the guide turned to face her, greeting her with a bow.

"I'd advice you to get ready, Princess Kaida. We'll get you in a few hours so you may go to the celebration."

She nodded, "Thank you. I'll do that immediately."

Reassured, the guide left, closing the door behind him. The moment the coast was clear, Kaida rushed to her belongings. She looked around her things, grabbing a pair of casual clothes no one had seen her packing. She changed at once, letting her clothes she wore as a princess of the Fire Nation on her bed as she looked down at herself. She almost looked like she wasn't royalty. There was just one little detail she had to take care off.

She let her hair loose and put on a black scarf around her neck, covering most of her mouth. She stared at herself, smiling as she realised she looked nothing like she usually did. It was time she saw Republic City on her own terms.

Kaida headed to the balcony and opened the windows. She got outside, making sure she left the windows open for the time she wanted to return as she looked around, searching for a way out. Her eyes narrowed on a rooftop right next to the balcony. With no hesitation, she got on the railing with practiced ease and took the short jump to the rooftop. From then on, all she needed to do was jump to the staircase built around a building close by and go down to the alley in between the buildings and her hotel. She jumped and quickly ran down the stairs, keeping her head hang low so that no one would recognise her should they be looking outside from the hotel. A short while later, her feet were touching the ground once more.

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