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The captain's position was critical for the next few hours and Korra spent most of her time by his bedside in case he needed a healer. Kaida was incredibly grateful for her assistance but she didn't stay with him for long. Instead, she took to looking at the waters in case there was another member of her crew alive. However, there was nothing.

Chief Tonraq helped her search, but he too found nothing, and as the evening set in, they headed back to the temple, having lost all hope there would be another survivor. Everyone was waiting for them in front of the temple - Iroh, Master Tenzin and his family, Korra's friends - but Kaida didn't say a word to any of them as she brushed past them, paying no heed to their obvious concern as she headed to the Captain's room. She slid the door open to see Korra inside, sitting by his bedside. As she got in, the Avatar sent her a smile.

"He's going to be alright. His wounds are almost healed and his fever has stopped. He should be awake in a couple of hours."

Kaida met her gaze. "Thank you. I can't thank you enough for saving him."

"It's my duty," she insisted as Kaida slid against the wall and sat down, her head in between her knees as she let out a deep sigh. Korra watched her uneasily. "Princess Kaida?"

"Just Kaida, please," she murmured as she rested her chin on her knees. "It's supposed to be my duty to protect my people. I failed today."

"You couldn't have known this would happen," she insisted, "it's not your fault. You tried your best to rescue any survivors. If it weren't for you, Captain Haru would have died."

"They had families," she burst as she turned to face the Avatar. "I knew all of these men! They've accompanied me in all of my travels out of the Fire Nation, they had faith in me and I failed them. I should have seen it coming. And now they're dead and I've got to write a letter to their familes and bring them so much pain."

She blinked furiously in an attempt to not cry as she leaned her head back against the wall and looked at the ceiling. It didn't stop her tears from falling and she instantly wiped away the first traitorous tear that had managed to escape and slide over to her cheek. She took in a deep breath and then exhaled in an attempt to keep her composure as Korra spoke up.

"Sometimes sacrifices are needed. These men were loyal to you and would have followed you to the end. You couldn't have known they were in danger. For all we know, you could have been in the ship with them during the explosion and then everything would have been a thousand times worse. With you dead, Republic City and the Fire Nation would be led to war and destruction and I think both of us would hate for that to happen."

She shook her head as she took in a deep sigh, turned to face Korra from the corner of her eyes and spoke up. "I wouldn't want a war, you're right."

"I don't know how to help you or what to advice you," Korra kept on, "but I know doing something about this is going to make you feel better. We're going to find those who attacked your ship and bring them to justice."

She pursed her lips. "Revenge sounds better at this point."

Korra almost smiled. "I know. But revenge isn't going to make you feel better in the long run. Justice will."

Kaida took in a deep breath as she closed her eyes and nodded. "Thank you, Avatar Korra. I really appreciate your help."

"Please call me Korra," she murmured, "and don't thank me. Something's telling me you would have done the same should I have been in your place."

"You think?" she mused as she opened her eyes and despite the terrible situation she was in, she sent her a small smile. "What makes you so sure?"

"Call it my Avatar sense but I don't think we're too different," she shrugged as she stood up and offered her a hand. Kaida took it and allowed her to pull her up. Her eyes instantly fell on the unconcious Captain before Korra spoke up. "You should clean up. I'll get you some of Asami's clothes for now."

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