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Silence fell among the group of soldiers as the airship slowed down until it stopped completely. Kaida standing proudly beside Iroh felt the tremor of the engine stop before the gate in front of her opened. Behind her, Commander Lee took in a small breath he exhaled in the form of a sigh. She briefly spared him a look before she followed after Iroh, down the airship and to the ground.

In front of her stood a palace she had heard countless of stories about. It was a place her grandfather had been to many times during his rule for political meetings and her mother travelled to Ba Sing Se at least once every year to go to this very palace for diplomatic meetings. Even though it was the first time she saw it, Kaida was certain it wouldn't be the last.

Her eyes didn't waver from the building until she caught sight of a few servants coming their way. She watched them with not a hint of an emotion as she stood tall beside Iroh. The servants stopped in front of them and as they caught sight of her, for a second, she noticed the short glance of unease they shared as they took in the way she carried herself. After some deliberation, they bowed at both of them. Kaida barely managed to keep her smirk hidden.

"General Iroh, the President is waiting for you and your Commanders," one of them said, "preparations have been made for you and your men. We can show them to their residence while you meet with the President."

Iroh nodded. Commander Chin and Shu walked forward to stand by Commander Lee while Commander Yue trained her eyes on Iroh, waiting for his command. He briefly met her gaze before he turned to the servant.

"Take us to the President and make sure my men reach their residence. They need to rest." The servants bowed as Iroh turned to Kaida. "Go with them. Tell the servants to show you to my residence."

"Of course, brother," she muttered with a small smile before she whirled around, following after a few servants and her brother's men away from the palace.

The soldiers talked among themselves and laughed for the duration of the walk to the houses the President of the Earth Nation had reserved for them. Kaida smiled or nodded at those who greeted her as she passed but she didn't attempt to make small talk with any as she reached the servants and spoke up.

"General Iroh instructed me to stay in his residence."

The servants exchanged an uncertain look and at once, Kaida realised she was making them nervous, even though her title was unknown. She sent them a smile in an attempt to put them at ease that didn't work, but after a while, they nodded at her and one of them moved away from the group.

"Follow me, my lady," he instructed as he walked away. Kaida followed his lead, her eyes sharp as she took in every detail of the street they passed in case she wanted to come back. As they passed by a bridge, she spoke up.

"Where does the Fire Lord stay when they meet the President of the Earth Nation?"

The servant stole an uneasy look at her. "I'm sorry, my lady, I'm afraid I can't disclose such information."

Her eyebrows rose in mild surprise before the side of her lips curled into a smirk. "But I'm the next Fire Lord in line. Am I forbidden from knowing where I'll be staying at during my stay in Ba Sing Se?"

"The location changes every time, my lady," he evaded her question, "the President of the Earth Nation cares about the safety of his allies."

Kaida hummed in response but didn't attempt to reply to his statement as she followed him to a place in the Upper Ring of Ba Sing Se that appeared more wealthy than the rest. He stopped in front of a house and bowed.

"This is where the General will stay, my lady."

"Thank you," she nodded at him as she walked to the house, climbed the few steps to the front door and got inside. As she closed the door behind her, she noticed the servant walk away. The door closed softly and she turned around, taking in the inside of the house.

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