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Her back was hurting. It felt as if someone had hit her repeatedly and for a moment, she had no recollection of what had happened in the last few hours before she remembered the mission to find Wu, the trap, the fight and finally the electric bat hitting her. Kaida let out a small groan as she attempted to move her hands only to realise she was tied. Her eyes slowly opened and she blinked at the sudden light before she noticed the floor made of wood. She looked up and across from her, she could see Consultant Wu sitting. He attempted a weak smile.

"Hello, there."

She blinked as she turned to the side only to see Mako, Korra and Bolin. They smiled at her weakly and she managed a smile of her own back before she attempted to get free of her bonds. She didn't manage it. She slowly got up as she looked at the shackles holding her hands in place. Looking over at her friends, she realised they were cuffed to the wall as well. Looking around, she noticed there was no guard she could see close enough. She turned to Wu.

"Looks like we found you in the end."

He chuckled, "Not in the way I expected."

The reminder wasn't appreciated as Mako sent him a swift glare. With a slight smile, Kaida turned to him. "For how long was I out?"

"A couple of hours," Korra answered, "you were hit by an electric bat. It must have hurt a lot."

"I've decided I love lightning when I'm the one producing it," she muttered as she looked at her feet. "One of them said I should have been blown up and I lost it."

Wu's eyes widened at once. "What? Did I miss something?"

"My ship was blown up with all of my men inside," she told him with a brief look as she turned to face the other three. "I lost my focus. I'm sorry."

"We would have lost regardless," Mako muttered and Bolin nodded at once. Kaida shook her head as she slowly turned to Wu.

"Are there no guards around?"

He shook his head, "Not right now. Why?"

She raised an eyebrow. "Did you start liking this place? I'm thinking of breaking out."

Everyone turned to face her with wide eyes. Korra spoke up first. "How?"

Kaida smirked as she lowered herself until her mouth was at the same height as her cuffs. She started blowing fire to the back of her cuff, her smirk widening as she heard a few gasps around the room. Korra followed her lead at once as Wu grinned.

"I knew I could count on you, guys."

"Breath of fire," Mako murmured as he looked at Korra and then Kaida and then mirrored their moves. "I didn't think of this."

"Don't answer him, guys," Bolin said at once, "keep blowing fire, you can tell him afterwards."

Mako rolled his eyes but didn't protest as he turned to Wu. "Tell us if anyone's coming."

He nodded at once as he turned his attention to the door. Kaida, Korra and Mako kept on trying and about half an hour later, one of their hands was free to move. Kaida took it out of her cuff at once as she put her hand on her other cuff, melting it quicker. Korra followed her moves and soon enough, both of them were free.

"A little help here," Mako said the moment Kaida turned to him. She sent him a slight smile as she put both hands on the back of each of his shackles and started melting the metal more and more. She had melted half of it when footsteps were heard.

"They're coming," Wu hissed and at once, Kaida put her hands back in the shackles as Korra did the same, making sure only the intact part of the shackles was seen. The guard arrived, his eyes falling on them at once. He looked at Kaida for a moment longer before he smirked.

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