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A woman slipped out of a room near the end of the corridor and as quickly as possible, she tiptoed to the other side of the temple. She passed by numerous bedrooms on her way, most of them silent if one were to excuse the slight snoring coming from the room she remembered was Meelo's. She was alarmed even though she had no reason to be. She had left her room to go to the meeting with Korra almost half an hour earlier, unable to stay in her room and just wait any longer. She had to do something.

She was just about to pass by the Captain's room when she heard noise from the other side of the room, someone moving. She stopped behind the door as the movement continued and a light was lit. It cast shadows around the room and she could make out the Captain's silhouette as he lowered himself to the ground and spread his arms wide. She recognised his stance as one she took at points when she prepared to train, and with pursed lips, she took a small step forward and lightly knocked on the paper-thin door that served more as a curtain than anything else. The Captain straightened up once more. She got inside.

"I'm sorry to bother you," she murmured as she got inside. The Captain sent her a small smile as he sat back on his bed, allowing her to have space.

"What can I do for you, Princess Kaida?"

"Nothing at all," she shook her head as she met his gaze. "I was walking by and thought I should check up on you."

"I'm fine, the Avatar did a brilliant job and I'm healing nicely," his smile never wavered as he leaned forward. "I'll be able to protect Chief Tonraq fully in a couple of days."

"By that time we'll have hopefully captured those who attacked us and you won't have to risk your life to save Chief Tonraq," she pursed her lips as she rested against the wall. "We're going to gather information from the inside tonight."

He nodded, his smile extinguished as he got serious. "Be careful. Should you fail it's easier for them to capture you."

"I won't be alone," she assured him, "I trust my partner will take me out of whatever situation I find myself in."

Captain Haru frowned. "What if they can't?"

"Then I'm more than capable of taking myself out of the situation I got in," she pointed out, "it's going to be fine. You'll see in the morning. And once we find out who are the people who abducted Consultant Wu and blew up our ship we're going to take them to court. The meeting I came here for will take place and we're going to go home."

"Your mother has said she refuses to accept you're dead unless they find your body."

"She would have marched to war if it weren't for grandpa," she admitted with a smile. "I need you to call her tomorrow morning, Captain, and let her know she should start preparing to send us a ship. We'll be going home shortly."

He nodded, "As you wish, Princess."

She sent him one last smile before she left the room and resumed her earlier destination. She left the temple and headed to the place she had left her ship a few days ago. Korra was already waiting for her.

"I hope I didn't keep you waiting for long," she spoke as she got near. Korra looked up, the side of her face having an unearthly green glow as she shook her head.

"I just got here myself. Come on. It's time to go."

Kaida nodded in agreement as she followed Korra on the frozen sea, almost having gotten used to the feeling at this point. Still, she grabbed Korra's arm for reassurance as they headed to the harbour, not saying a word until they had reached the dock. Kaida got up first and Korra followed after her. The moment they were on steady ground, two figures left the shadows, both of them dressed in black, their faces covered. Kaida raised her dark scarf, hiding her own face as she assessed them. They came to a stop in front of them.

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