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Before she had realised it, it was time for them to leave Ba Sing Se. Wu got out to greet them as they were to leave. He thanked the soldiers, the Commanders, General Iroh, and Kaida was rewarded a kiss on the back of her palm and a cheeky grin before she left. There was a smile on her lips for a short while after they had left Ba Sing Se, Wu's antics appearing amusing.

She spent a few days on the airship with the firebenders and her brother. She spent her days sending letters to her friends back and forth, meditating and playing Pai Sho with Iroh. On the morning of the seventh day they had spent on the airship, Republic City was seen.

Her excitement couldn't be contained. She was smiling constantly and as they waited for the airship to land, Iroh couldn't keep but steal glances at her to make sure she was indeed smiling and he wasn't dreaming. The moment the door opened she got out, leaving the airship. Her eyes scrutinised the people in front of the airship, waiting for the soldiers to reach the land, before her gaze fell on her friends. Her strides got quicker, her smile widened, and soon enough, she had reached her friends.

Mako reached her first. His arms came around her tightly and she hugged him back in the same manner before she felt a second body attached to her side and she caught sight of Bolin. It was only a matter of time before Korra and Asami joined in the group hug, and she couldn't help but laugh.

"We thought you'd be here a day ago," Asami exclaimed as they slowly pulled back. Kaida appeared apologetic as she nodded.

"I thought we would be but there was a change of plans in the last minute. We stopped in a city a few miles away from Republic City and that slowed us down."

"At least you're here now," Bolin grinned and at once, Korra and Mako nodded in agreement. "For how long are you going to stay?"

"Two days," a voice that certainly didn't belong to Kaida replied instead of her and she whirled around to catch sight of Iroh. He smiled at all of them as he came to a stop beside Kaida. "We'll stay for two days, then we're going to return to the Fire Nation."

"We should make the most out of it, then," Korra grinned, sounds of agreement heard around the group in response.

"Before we do anything, I have a request," Kaida admitted as she turned serious. She faced Korra. "I'd like to go to the Spirit World once more."

Her friends were confused by her request but Korra didn't hesitate to agree as she sent her a nod. "I can take you there now."

"Mako, Bolin and I will be in my house," Asami spoke up with a small smile. "You should meet us there."

Korra and Kaida nodded before Kaida turned to her brother with a small smile. "I'll see you in the evening, Iroh."

"I'll be my with my Commanders, should you need me," he murmured. With a last smile at them, he walked away, and Kaida focused on Korra. She sent her a small, encouraging smile, and she walked away from Mako. Korra and Kaida waved at their friends before walking away, heading to the Spirit Portal. Korra broke the silence first.

"How was Ba Sing Se?"

"It was nice," she admitted as she turned to her with a smile. "Wu insisted he showed me around the Upper Ring. I'm certain I've seen all important places in the city. If he could have shown me around the palace, I'm certain he would have done it."

"That does sound like Wu," Korra chuckled as she briefly turned to face her. "Bolin says Mako's been counting the days until you returned, you know. Although I wouldn't believe everything Bolin says. He's not the best when it comes to romance."

"I've a feeling he'd love to say something like that to tease his brother," Kaida agreed, even though her heart fluttered at the thought of Mako missing her. "If it were Asami claiming this, though-"

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