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Even with Bumi arriving and attempting to get Kaida to talk to him, she couldn't find the energy to do it. She excused herself quickly and headed to her room where she got to sleep without even having the courage to change her clothes. She didn't manage to sleep for a long time, though.

By noon, as the sun reached its peak, she was unable to sleep. Even though she was tired she didn't have any choice but to leave her bed. She had a cold bath in an attempt to wake up - it didn't work all that well - and then, after getting dressed, she left her room and followed the noise to the place they gathered to have their meals. All airbenders, Pema and the Captain of her former ship were there and most of them were surprised to see her. She sat down beside Captain Haru just as Tenzin spoke up.

"How come you woke up so quickly?"

"It's the sun," she sighed, "I can't sleep when it's at its peak. It's impossible."

The girl she remembered was called Opal raised an eyebrow at her. "Mako doesn't have an issue with the sun."

As if on cue, Mako stumbled in the room, appearing as tired as Kaida. He sat down beside her and let out a rather deep sigh before turning to face those in the room.


Kaida couldn't help but smile as Ikki giggled.

The boy that had arrived with the other two airbenders sitting beside Jinora - and getting stern glares from Tenzin all the time - grinned as he looked over at Mako. "Can't sleep because of the sun?"

Mako blinked. "Yeah. How did you know?"

"I was just telling them about it," Kaida sent him a small smile as she reached down and took a small piece of bread. She started eating as she turned to the boy sitting beside Jinora. "We haven't introduced ourselves. "
I'm Princess Kaida-"

"Of the Fire Nation, yes, I know, Bumi briefed me," he grinned as he sent a wink at Bumi before he turned to face her once more. "I'm Kai."

Kaida instantly recognised the name as she turned to Jinora, the corner of her lips lifting slightly as the girl blushed. She slowly turned back to the boy who had caught the whole situation and if possible, he was smiling even more than before now.

"It's nice to meet you, Kai."

"The pleasure's all mine," he inclined his head towards her, "that's a nice necklace you have there."

Kaida's hands automatically moved to her necklace she hadn't bothered to put inside her shirt today. Mako beside her tensed up.

"In case you wanted to know, Kaida, Kai used to be a thief."

Kai raised an eyebrow at him. "The same goes for you."

Mako's eyes narrowed. "I've changed."

"So have I."

Ikki's dreamy sigh brought everyone to look at her. "All good guys used to be thieves."

Mako and Kai were starting to blush while Meelo stood up.

"This is a girl's conversation! Rohan and I are out of here!"

Before his little brother could say a word, Meelo grabbed his arm and dragged him away. Tenzin turned to Ikki with narrowed eyes.

"What did you say, Ikki?"

Before the girl could reply, Kaida spoke up. "Why do you say that, Ikki? My brother is a good guy but he isn't a thief."

Bumi leaned forward with a grin. "He's a thief of hearts!"

Tenzin turned his attention on Bumi at once as everyone around the table chuckled. "Bumi..."

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