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Meelo didn't stop complaining about the outcome of his spar with Jinora as he claimed she had cheated to win. On the other hand, Jinora couldn't care less. She didn't reply to a single one of his jabs and pointedly ignored him for the duration of the night. The situation was rather amusing and at points, Kaida almost laughed. In the end, though, she managed to miraculously keep herself from laughing.

In the cover of the night so that it wouldn't be noticed by anyone, she left her room with all of the letters she had written, took the hawk Tenzin had graciously supplied her with a short while after Iroh had left, put all letters in it and set it free. She stayed outside, watching the night sky for a while afterwards, until she realised it was time for her to meet Korra. She made her way to where her ship had been, keeping an eye out for anyone out of bed. In the end, there were no disturbances and she reached their meeting point a bit early. A short while later, Korra joined her.

"I've got you a scarf," she muttered as she handed her the dark cloth. Kaida sent her a small smile and a nod as she took it and put it around her neck, hiding her mouth and part of her nose with it. She briefly turned to face Korra dressed in black, ready for their mission. She took in a deep breath as she looked at Republic City, the light from the Spirit Portal making part of her face appear green.

"How are we going to get there?"

"The same way as last time," Korra replied as she jumped on the water. It froze beneath her feet at once and she turned to Kaida expectantly. With a small sigh, she followed after her.

"I hate this means of transportation."

Korra smiled as she grabbed her arm. "Trust me, Kaida. We'll be safely back in shore before you realise it."

With a small sigh, Kaida relented and as quickly as possible, they moved over the still sea and to the other side, to the harbour. Korra helped Kaida up to the dock first and then followed after her. They took a look around and instantly, the figure of a man moved in the shadows and got to light. He was dressed in black, his mouth and nose covered. His dark hair was a bit spiky, standing up at the back as if he had just woken up, but what made Kaida recognise him was his eyes that so resembled her own. She watched him closely as he walked over and as he stopped in front of them, she sent him a nod.

"We're ready when you are, Mako."

He briefly turned to face Korra and as she sent him a nod, he was sure they could proceed. "Follow me."

He turned around and the two women moved on either of his sides, keeping an eye out for any disturbance. They got away from the harbour, deeper in the city. They stayed away from most paths with light as Mako led them through alleys Kaida knew didn't exist in the Fire Nation capital. This side of the city was threatening but with Korra and Mako by her side Kaida didn't feel afraid. She trusted them both, Korra a bit more than Mako, and she knew wherever Mako was leading them they were going to be safe. It was one of her traits, to be loyal and have trust in her allies. Some considered it a setback. She saw it as an asset.

"There are many gangs in this part of the city," Mako murmured, his eyes on the road. "We can't just barge in in their lairs. We need to spy to see whether they have Wu or not."

"Spying from above is a perfect chance to hear all they have to say," Kaida murmured as she turned to face Mako and then Korra. "Where are we going first?"

Mako briefly turned to face her as he nodded, "Follow me."

A short while later they had reached the first building, and although it was hard, they managed to find a way to listen in their conversation. However, they heard nothing regarding Wu. The same could be said for the next four locations they visited. Time was passing, though, and it was late. It was decided they'd try again the next night and they were just about to leave when they heard voices down the alley coming from the building they had been spying from, coming straight towards them.

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