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Kaida woke up on her own a few hours later when everything around her was dark. Making as little sound as possible she got ready to leave, set her hair up in a bun to keep it away from her eyes and then left her room, her scarf covering her nose and mouth. She made her way over to the place she had been meeting up with Korra for the last two days and waited, staring straight ahead at the outline of Republic City, her eyes naturally drawn to the light coming from the Spirit Portal. She took in a deep breath before she let it go slowly. Her thoughts got back to the conversation she had had with General Iroh.

She had to accept the way she was and learn how to live with it. Now, as she got ready for the mission she would be asked to complete, she attempted to calm herself down and remind herself of all things her grandfather had told her again and again. Human life was important. No matter what in a fight she had the choice of not becoming a monster. Never direct lightning at her enemies. Don't aim to kill. Her actions will be reflected on a whole nation. She can't act if she hasn't thought of all the ways the Fire Nation will suffer should she do something wrong.

Among all of these warnings, she knew there was always one phrase her grandfather never spoke aloud. Even though he had never said it, she could hear it. She could hear it when he paused after repeating again and again the risks that came with she use of lightning, how she should act with her people's best interests in mind. She could sense it in the way he had stiffened at first when she managed to pick up on skills during the first few hours, the only exception being not being able to propel herself up with fire. She could see it in the way he sometimes seemed to get lost in his own world when she harnessed lightning as if it was the easiest skill in the world. It was a warning that haunted her even though she had never heard it come from his lips, a thought she could see pained him to think.

Don't act like Azula.

Have compassion. Know your limits. Stop for a second and think of all the lives affected by your decision, stop and envision the future you're setting up for yourself just now.

Don't get lost the way she did.

Kaida closed her eyes with a small sigh as she rolled her shoulders in an attempt to drive these thoughts away. She'd try to not be like her. She'd try to be more compassionate like her grandfather, patient as her grandfather's Uncle had been, insightful like her mother was. She'd do all she would without malice, no ulterior motive.

But it was extremely hard to not bring those who killed her men pain when the moment she thought of them she pictured the water in front of Air Temple Island during broad daylight with blotches of scarlet and remnants of her ship.

General Iroh had said she had to accept all parts of her. For a person who was as hard on themselves as Kaida was, though, this was next to impossible. She knew she wasn't a perfect person. She was aware of her thoughts and how her mind worked, hardly ever playing fair, and she had accepted that, liked it even. But accepting she was similar to someone who had threatened to destroy the whole world was something she couldn't do.

She inhaled deeply. There was no use attempting to calm herself down. She had failed. She exhaled just as footsteps were heard coming towards her and Kaida turned to the side to spy Mako's, Bolin's and Korra's approach. She straightened up as they got closer, her eyes not meeting Mako's as she turned to Korra.

"Aren't we going to have reinforcements tonight?"

Korra shook her head, "Bumi, Opal and Kai aren't going to help us tonight. We're just going to gather information."

She nodded as Korra got on the water and she followed her lead, Mako and Bolin trailing behind them. "Let's get this over with."

They crossed the sea and headed to the harbour. Kaida got up first and then the brothers followed before Korra joined them. A quick look was exchanged and then Mako and Bolin walked forward, heading to the hideout of the Triple Thriad Threats. The whole way there was spent in silence and as they reached the place, got in through the back door as discreetly as possible at different times, they mixed with the people working at the gang, spreading up.

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