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The morning was quiet. The sun was steadily rising, golden rays mixing with the soft green glow coming from the portal, creating an ethereal sight one would never wish to forget. Sunrise in Republic City was beautiful, each appearance of the sun different than the previous one, as if it were a canvas that was repainted every night, each time returning slightly different than the last. The chirping of the birds was soft, creating a melody that shifted with every addition the birds insisted to make. It was a peaceful morning, no doubt, and Kaida knew it was going to be the last morning there before she were to leave Republic City.

The airships had been moved to Air Temple Island the previous afternoon. Now they were in a territory Kaida knew, she had returned to her usual life. She had woken up as the first rays of the sun made an appearance and moved to the back of Air Temple Island. She took a while to watch the dawn, taking in the sight she had never seen before she came to this city, and when the wonder of dawn was almost complete, she started her practise.

She meditated. She sat on the ground, her arms placed on her legs, her back straight, her chin held high, her eyes kept closed. She breathed in through the nose, exhaled through the mouth, and the cycle never ended. A few hours later she was found.

The boisterous shouts were obnoxious in the silence of the morning but Kaida's serene expression didn't crack as the soldiers moved closer. She remained quiet, waiting for them to walk away, but their voices stayed, as if they had stopped. There was a sudden hush, and in the blessed silence she managed to hear a pair of footsteps coming over. She didn't move as the person stopped in front of her, hiding the sun.

"Are you up for a fight?"

Her lips curled into a smile but she didn't open her eyes, and aside from that little movement showing she had indeed heard him, there was no other sign she was aware he existed. She spoke up soon enough.

"Why don't you warm up, brother? Tell me when you're ready."

Iroh chuckled and she heard his footsteps fading. For about half an hour, she was undisturbed, until she heard his footsteps once more, moving away from her.

"Stand up, Kaida."

The soldiers that had yet to leave the area quieted down even further as slowly, she opened her eyes. A smirk curled in the corner of her lips and she didn't waste a second to push herself up. She raised her arms, setting her hair in a bun as she stole a look at their spectators - Commander Lee and Commander Yue were in the front - she turned to Iroh, her stance lowering as she met his gaze.

"Don't worry, Iroh. I'll do my worst."

He raised an eyebrow, almost amused as he mirrored her stance. A beat of silence passed as the siblings looked at each other. Then, he attacked.

He kicked the air, a wave of fire rushing towards her with incredible speed. Kaida moved beneath it before she jumped up, punching the air multiple times. Iroh dodged the fireballs, two identical whips of fire forming in his hands. He brandished the wips at her again and again, and Kaida was forced to take a step back as she raised her arms, making his attacks dissipate in nothing. Smoke started to rise as the siblings took a moment to look at each other.

They attacked at the same time.

Flames the same colour as the rising sun were shot from one side of the yard to the other, the siblings moving through the forms as if it was an activity they had been doing every single day in their life, the transition from defence and offence almost not visible. Kaida was starting to pant and beads of sweat had gathered on Iroh's forehead but they didn't stop. After a while, though, it was obvious neither of them were about to give up.

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