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Questions were asked left and right about how Mako, Bolin, Korra and Kaida managed to rescue Wu but all of them were too tired to answer them. After a short meal, they hurried to their rooms where they slept until the next morning. Kaida rose with the sun, well-rested and ready to start with her day. The Temple was quiet so early in the morning as Kaida walked around. No one was awake and so she left the building, choosing to enjoy the coolness of the night while it lasted.

The sun was just rising and the sky was painted purple in the horizon while the rest of the sky was still dark, stars seen easily. She allowed herself to smile as she looked around, enjoying the serenity the morning provided. Little by little she could feel the sun rising and she felt stronger the more time passed. She walked further away from the Temple as the sun rose to engulf her body. Slowly, she raised her arms and set out in a dance.

She moved as if she was bending water but the fire around her spoke of a completely different story. She twirled and jumped, her flames like ribbons that whirled around at her command, as if it were an extension of her, moving with her arms. The flames sizzled and died as she moved but were replaced at once. Her eyes caught sight of a spectator nearby and she turned to them, her hands moving forward and from her open palms a dragon's snout was formed. It flew with its mouth open and disappeared right in front of the person.

Mako watched her with a small smile as she straightened up. He was leaning against a column, not completely awake just yet but he was looking at her still. His chest and face was hidden in the shadows and as he leaned forward and his eyes caught the rays of the morning sun, she couldn't bring herself to deny how she liked the way he looked. Instead, she returned his smile as she took a few steps closer.

"For how long have you been standing there?"

His relaxed posture didn't change and his smile didn't dim as he shrugged with the shoulder that wasn't touching the column. "Enough to see you bending."

Her smile widened as she got a bit closer and from where she was standing now, she could make out the little flames igniting in his eyes as if they were made of dragonfire. She didn't look away as she came to a stop in front of him, an eyebrow raised as if she was challenging him as she spoke up. "What did you think of the show, then?"

"I've never seen a firebender bend like this before," he admitted, curious as he leaned slightly forward. "It was as if I was watching Korra waterbend but in a more aggressive manner."

She chuckled at the comparison as she turned around and watched the sea around Air Temple Island, moving slowly and smoothly with no disturbance, glimmering as the sun got out almost as if it was some precious metal.

"I've always thought water is a great element," she spoke up, her eyes never leaving the sea. "Fire is my element but I admire water and waterbenders. They're able to shift and come out strong and I've always thought it was a shame how the South lost its traditions." She paused and she could hear footsteps coming closer. She briefly turned her head to face Mako as he came to a stop beside her before she spoke up.

"Grandfather taught me all I know about firebending and he encouraged me to study the three other ways of bending to get stronger. I use typical waterbending moves in case I bend for relaxation. And I pay attention to my breathing as part of the airbending culture. That's how I breathe fire the way you saw yesterday."

"Can you teach me?"

She blinked, surprised at his suggestion. "What do you want to know?"

"Anything you can show me."

She sent him a nod with a smile as she turned to face him completely and sat down. He followed her moves as she rolled her shoulders and set her back straight. "You need to think of nothing else. Relax, close your eyes, and focus on your breaths..."

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