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A helicopter was flying closer and closer to Air Temple Island, disrupting the quiet morning. A woman with eyes as blue and clear as the ocean spied its approach with a wide smile, but she didn't dare come closer until it had landed. Once it had stopped moving she walked over, sent a wave at the two men that got out of the helicopter before she turned to the pilot. The woman grinned as she took off her helmet and got down, dark, wavy hair moving with the breeze of the wind.

"Hey, Korra," she said as Korra finally reached her and with no hesitation leaned up and pressed a kiss on her lips. In the background, they could hear one of the guys fawning over how cute they were.

Korra pulled back with a wide smile and a shake of her head as she turned to the person that had spoken, "Bolin, it's nothing you haven't seen already."

Bolin grinned, bright green eyes lighting up as he shrugged, "What can I say, you're cute."

"You should see yourself and Opal," his brother mused with a small smirk as they headed to the Temple.

Bolin shrugged, "It's true love, Mako, true love."

Korra laughed as she turned to the woman beside her and grabbed her hand. "I thought we should go to the city, Asami. Kaida leaves this afternoon and I'm not sure what she wants to do."

"We could ask her," Asami pointed out as Korra sent a mischevious glance at Mako's back.

"Maybe. Or we could ask Mako what he thinks."

Mako's ears turned a bright red, "I suggest we ask her."

Bolin's eyes narrowed as he looked between his brother and Korra, "Is there something going on I don't know?"

Korra shrugged, "I know all you do, Bolin. Mako would tell us if something happened. Wouldn't you, Mako?"

Mako didn't reply. Bolin gasped. "You're hiding something from us?"

Asami grinned as she exchanged a look with Korra. "That's sweet. You and Kaida are perfect for each other."

"Even Mako has found love," Korra teased, "now everyone in the group is happy."

"She's leaving today," he grumbled as he shot a look at Korra. "I'm not happy."

"Oh man, that could be a problem," Bolin frowned as he clapped an arm on Mako's shoulder. "Don't worry, Mako. It'll work out in the end. Opal and I aren't together all the time but we still manage."

"Opal isn't the next ruler of the Fire Nation."

After that, Korra, Asami and Bolin could only exchange a look of worry before they turned to their front, and the next of their walk was spent in silence. A few minutes later, they heard commotion. As they reached the front of the Temple, they were rather surprised to see Bumi, his nephews and nieces all around him along with Kai and Opal. They had formed spheres beneath their feet and were orbiting around a woman dressed in dark red and black.

Her back was turned on them but from the way she stood with her shoulders back and rigid, it wasn't hard for anyone to guess who she was, especially if they took into account the way she had set her hair in a bun. She was shaking slightly in laughter and Mako could feel his expression softening as she slowly turned and he caught sight of the gold crown in the shape of a flame on her head first before he trailed his eyes over to her face. Her expression was soft and as she noticed them, she headed towards them. The kids parted for her to pass and a short while later, she had reached the company.

"Finally, you're wearing your own clothes, Kaida," Korra teased.

Kaida chuckled as her eyes flickered to her attire briefly before she nodded, stealing a short look over at Mako as she did. "Finally, yes. Asami's clothes were nice but I prefer mine."

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