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The morning light had yet to warm the earth and in the Air Temple Island, a breeze made the day's start almost cold. The grass around them was slippery, small droplets hang from the leaves of the trees. The company of five friends walked to the back, where a sky bison was waiting, already equipped with all they would need in their journey. A few ways away from the sky bison sat a scarlet dragon, its great head on the ground as it peered at those coming.

A woman dressed in black, with dark hair just reaching her chest walked over to the dragon and came to a stop beside him. It raised its head to face her as she raised a hand and her palm got into contact with its snout. The great dragon let out a breath, a few sparks leaving his nostrils, and she couldn't help but send him a smile.

"You need to go home, Druk," she murmured as she patted the dragon's snout and got a little bit closer, letting her forehead rest against his scales. "Grandpa will be waiting for you. I'll be fine. My friends will protect me."

Druk raised his head and considered her for a moment before he turned away. She took a few steps back, giving him space. With a last look at her, the great dragon opened his wings and with a push of his legs rushed to the air. He soared, moved above the temple in a circle twice and then left, to the vague direction of the Fire Nation. She watched him with a small smile as he flew away until he was just a spot in the sky. A hand was placed on her shoulder. She briefly turned to face her companion.

Mako was watching her gravely as he let his hand fall and sent her a short, serious nod. "Kaida, it's time to go."

"I know," she murmured as she turned to face him properly with a smile. "I'm ready."

They shared a look before they turned away and together they headed to the sky bison they were about to get to go to Omashu. Avatar Korra was on the reins, smiling at both of them brightly, and their friends Asami and Bolin were sitting at the saddle. Kaida got up first, followed by Mako. It was hard to fit in in the saddle at first, but they managed to sit comfortably enough. Korra glanced at them once and then asked the sky bison to get in the air and a short while later, they were leaving Air Temple Island.

Kaida leaned back as she turned to look to the horizon from above. The sun was just rising from the sea, making the water glisten as if it was a mirror, reflecting the cloudless sky above. They passed by the spirit portal and then got into the mainland, moving on to reach Omashu. They had hardly crossed the first set of mountains when Asami spoke up.

"How far is Omashu, Korra?"

"I've never been to Omashu before," she replied as she briefly looked back to face them with a smile. "We'll be flying for most of the day, though. I suppose we'll manage to be there in a week at most."

Asami discreetly turned to Kaida sitting beside her, but she hasn't said a word ever since they had gotten on the bison. She was still looking far at the horizon and she was unable to see her face as it was turned away from her. Asami feared General Iroh wouldn't manage to last another week in the hands of the bandits. He had been held hostage for a long time already. In case they were too late when they reached the battlefield, she didn't want to think how Kaida would be affected.

"We'll stop at some time in the afternoon," Mako spoke up from Kaida's other side. The Princess of the Fire Nation moved her gaze to meet his and he held her gaze easily. "The sky bison will need to rest and so will we. We can't keep flying during the night."

"I know," she sent him a nod as she turned away to face Asami and then Bolin before she turned to Mako. "I thought of taking an airship to Omashu so we wouldn't have to stop during our travel. We wouldn't have managed to land an airship close to Omashu, though, at least, not without a crew, and a sky bison is more discreet. Even though the travel would have been quicker, an airship would be impractical. I've thought of this. I know of the time we're losing by taking a sky bison but I don't think we have much of a choice."

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