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The next morning Kaida woke up with the first rays of the sun, as she usually did. She had breakfast and then excused herself, choosing to take a walk around Air Temple Island so she could do something with herself. With most of the people in the Temple asleep and her brother gone to fight the bandits in the Earth Nation, she didn't have much company. She took a walk around the grounds and then sat down against a tree and just watched the sun rise in the clear sky of Republic City that with the Spirit Portal nearby, never seemed to be sank in darkness.

Eventually, she was joined by Master Tenzin's kids. Ikki started asking her all sorts of questions about her home while Rohan and Meelo were getting ready to have a race with Jinora taking the role of the referee. Kaida answered all of Ikki's questions to the best of her abilities and a few hours later, she noticed a distraction.

Korra and Asami were walking away from the Temple, hand in hand, talking among themselves. With a small smile at Ikki, Kaida excused herself and headed over to them. At her approach, Korra stopped, and so did Asami as she turned to face her. Both of them smiled.

"Asami, I didn't see you coming," she smiled as she came to a stop in front of them.

"I've been here for a few hours," she smiled back as she cast a short look at Korra. "Korra and I are going to the city to meet up with Bolin. Do you want to come?"

Kaida blinked in surprise. "But I'm supposed to be dead."

"We'll go first to Asami's house, she'll make sure you aren't recognised by anyone," Korra grinned, "what do you think? Captain Haru is in his room, talking to dad and Tenzin. You can leave Air Temple Island for a while. I know it can get boring sometimes."

She nodded, albeit slightly hesitant. "Alright. What are we going to do with Bolin, though? Doesn't he have to work?"

"No, because he'll be with us tonight," Korra informed her simply as she started walking, Asami following her lead. Kaida briefly turned around, waved at Ikki who was watching from a few ways away and followed Asami and Korra to the harbour. The moment she noticed the flying machine waiting for them at the harbour, her eyes widened and she slowly came to a stop. Asami turned to face her with a wide smile.

"That's my newest invention, Varrick and I worked together despite our disagreements a few years ago to make it." She turned to face her invention once more as they came to a stop in front of it. "We call it a 'helicopter'. And don't worry, it's safe."

"Asami and Varrick are finally working together," Korra grinned over at her as she got on the helicopter. Even though she was still uncertain, Kaida followed after her. "I'm certain this is only the beginning!"

Asami sent her a sweet smile in return and Kaida turned away, feeling as if she was intruding for a moment. They all got on the helicopter and a short while later, Asami started it. Kaida held on tightly on her seat as she saw the ground beneath her feet moving further and further away from her reach. She stole a quick look at Korra who was grinning and willed herself to relax. It didn't help all that much.

A short while later they were landing on the roof of a house that reminded Kaida of a mansion. The moment they were on the ground and the helicopter had stopped moving, she got down. Korra and Asami followed her.

"We have company today," Asami spoke as she headed to a door on the side. "Varrick and Zhu Li have come over and a few of Mako's and Bolin's relatives are here too. His grandmother wanted to be on Republic City when Wu came in case he had the chance to see her for a while. Their cousin Tu has come with their grandmother."

"It must be hard for them with Consultant Wu missing," Kaida pointed out as Asami opened the door and they got down a set of stairs.

"Grandma Yin must be devastated," Korra agreed and Asami nodded at once.

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