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Her head was hurting so much she thought it would break any second and she wondered how she could have been asleep when she was in so much pain. The moment she thought that, though, she realised she had probably not been asleep, only unconscious. The pain was unbearable, rendering her oblivious to the people whispering among themselves in the room. She groaned. The next second, she thought she heard someone calling her name but she heard it as if they were far away.

"Kaida, how are you feeling?"

"My head's about to break," she groaned, her eyes squeezing shut as she attempted to block the pain away. A hand was placed on the top of her head and another on her forehead, and she involuntarily flinched at the touch before relief came, showering her whole. Her expression got calmer and when the person spoke, she could hear them clearer now.

"Can you move to the side? I need access to the back of your head."

Kaida attempted to do as she was told with a wince. Once more, she felt the touch on the back of her head and relief came. She let out a small sigh. The pain was almost gone, now.


She recognised the voice, now. Her eyes slowly opened and she blinked in an effort to get used to the light in the room. She peered up at Korra standing above her with a smile. "Thank you, Korra."

"You got us so worried," another voice was heard she recognised after a moment.

"Asami," she breathed, "remind me what happened?"

"You got everyone out with Korra's aid, Iroh was blasted off the sky and you propelled yourself after him - which was really cool, mind you, even though I think I've aged a decade today because of you - and you crashed pretty hard on a boulder," Bolin explained, taking in a deep breath as he moved closer to the place she was laying at - she decided it was a bed - his expression scrunched up in worry. "Don't you ever do that again, you hear me?"

Kaida sent him a weak smile in response. "What about Iroh?"

"He's safe, currently unconscious," Korra informed her softly, placing a hand on her shoulder the moment she attempted to stand up. "You stay on your bed for a while longer. I healed most of your injuries and you're good to go but that doesn't mean you should take walks around the camp."

She couldn't help but smile as she eased back in her bed. "Thank you, Korra." She looked around the room, a small frown forming on her lips. "Where's Mako?"

"I'm here." She looked in the direction of the voice as Mako came into sight. There was an unreadable expression on his face as he stood at the edge of her bed. She sent him a small smile he didn't return.

"You're in a tent close to Iroh's," Asami told her softly as she sent her a smile. "If it makes you feel any better, Commander Chin appears furious you impressed the soldiers the way you did."

"I've heard them say you fought like a legend," Bolin grinned as Kaida's eyes widened, "you've gotten yourself some fans!"

"What about Korra?"

"I didn't jump to my death," she mused with a half smile as Kaida chuckled. "Now, I've healed your head and your ribs. It should take you a few days for the bones to mend properly and you'll feel a slight discomfort when walking. Other than that, you can walk around as you please. I prohibit any fighting and you need to wear the bandage around your torso at all times."

"Thank you, healer Korra."

Korra cracked a grin as Kaida's gaze slowly trained over to Mako who had remained silent the whole time. Asami followed her gaze. Without a second thought, she grabbed Korra's and Bolin's arms.

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