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When Kaida had been imagining the meeting that would take place in Republic City, she had thought she would appear regal and untouchable, dressed in her silky clothes from the Fire Nation in a variation of dark red, black and gold, her hair set in a bun, two strands of hair framing her face, the sort of crown all princesses wore on her bun. She had never thought her ship would be blown up with all of her men and most of her belongings inside.

Instead of wearing the formal clothes of her nation she was dressed in casual dark red clothes, a shirt that left part of her collarbone exposed and let everyone see the small birthmark on her collarbone along with the necklace of the dragon she never failed to wear. Her hair was set in a bun, two strands of hair framing her face with the crown absent, nothing to show off her position in her nation. Despite these few details, she appeared as regal as ever, her posture straight and her eyes sharp as she regarded the other members taking part in the meeting.

She was here for business.

Chief Tonraq and Master Tenzin were sitting next to each other with Consultant Wu sitting opposite them. President Raiko was sitting in the head of the table while she sat opposite him, watching the men carefully. It had been under a minute that the doors had closed and the meeting had started. Still, no one had spoken. Finally, President Raiko did.

"I'd like to apologise for your abduction, Consultant Wu. It was unacceptable and I should have made sure the security wouldn't have allowed it to happen. And Princess Kaida, I apologise for the loss of your men. I suspect it has had a terrible impact on your feelings and the way you view Republic City." Kaida nodded briefly, accepting his words as he kept talking.

"I must thank you for staying around for the meeting. The truth is, I called you here because Republic City needs your help. It has been nothing like it was before Kuvira sent her army here, even though we've managed to bounce back to an extent. The times are changing and the same goes for this city. It is for this reason I've decided to ask for your help.

"More and more people are coming to Republic City to begin a new chapter in their lives and normally, we would have been able to help them move in and start a new life as they wish. But ever since the Spirit Portal was formed, part of the city has been covered in spirit vines, and so, we're unable to use some parts of the city for this purpose. This is the reason I've called you here today. Republic City needs to expand."

"Expand?" Kaida asked at once, not giving anyone the chance to speak before her. She raised an eyebrow expectantly as she turned to President Raiko. "Does that mean you need more land, President Raiko?"

"I'm glad you asked," he muttered before he turned to Master Tenzin, Chief Tonraq, Consultant Wu and finally, Princess Kaida. "I'm not asking you to give away some of your grounds so Republic City may expand there. We have space to expand in our own grounds and we've every wish to do so. What we don't have is the resources to expand the City on our own."

Wu turned to face him. "So you need money."

"My intentions and my vision is to build more buildings and expand the City so it regains its former glory, before the spirits decided to make it a home as well," he explained, his eyes falling on Kaida once more. She understood why he kept turning to her. After all, it was no secret the Fire Nation was the nation with the best economy in the world as of now. If he needed resources, his plan depended on her decision.

"For my vision to become reality, I need a fund."

"The Air Nation doesn't have the resources you need," Master Tenzin spoke up as he turned to President Raiko with a nod. "I do want to see growth in Republic City, though. The airbenders will help you built this city and make your vision reality."

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