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Several years later

An ocean of people were gathered in the front of the Fire Nation palace, dressed in an assortment of colours, most of them appearing to be in a festive mood. People of all social ladders had gathered in the front gates, nobles covering most of the space left from the front gates to the steps leading to the palace. Guards were placed at any corner, despite the obvious protection, though, the crowd wasn't scared.

On top of the stairs, at one side, stood the Avatar herself, dressed in a modest dress that matched her eyes, her hair set in a bun. Beside her stood a beautiful woman with dark hair, styled like the great waves of the ocean and eyes as light as the first blooming leaves of spring. Next to her stood a smartly-dressed man, an uncontrollable grin on his face, apparently unable to stay still, bright green eyes hardly staying at one place. Beside him stood a man dressed in black with tangerine eyes, a soft expression as he glanced from the man beside him to the crowd of people. Next to him was a man with dark skin and bright green eyes, his clothes belonging to royalty. A man with a moustache was next to him, a woman with thin, circular glasses standing beside him with a smile.

Opposite them, on the other side of the grand doors, stood three elderly people. The first was a woman dressed in blue with her hair set in a bun, the front stands of her hair set in two hair loopies. Next to her was a woman dressed in green, her expression set in a scowl, her eyes unblinking. Then, there was an elderly man with a scar on the side of his face, a smile softening his otherwise stern expression. Beside him was a woman with thin glasses and grey hair, appearing stern but in her eyes was pride. Finally, next to her stood a man dressed in a military uniform, his badges in clear sight, the corner of his lips raised just slightly in a smile that was almost lost if one didn't pay much attention.

They were watching a figure kneeling on the ground, dressed in scarlet and gold robes, her dark, long hair set in a bun, two strands of hair framing her face. A necklace of a dragon was dangling in front of her, glimmering as the rays of light touched it. Her eyes were closed but there was a small smile on her lips, her fingers twitching in anticipation on her lap. Everyone in the crowd beneath her seemed to be holding their breath as she opened her eyes and caught sight of the edge of a scarlet robe in the side of her vision. The Fire Sage beside her spoke up in a loud, clear voice.

"With the power the Spirits have granted me, I pronounce you..." There was a pause as he held the golden crown up for everyone to see, the flame of the Fire Nation insignia glimmering in the light of the sun. He lowered it to her head, put it in her bun. "...Fire Lord."

The crowd cheered and her smile widened just slightly as she rose to the unanimous shout of her people.

"Hail Fire Lord Kaida! Hail Fire Lord Kaida!"

She straightened her back, raised her chin, and the Fire Sages around her bowed. One by one, her friends and family around her bowed as the crowd below her followed. Kaida raised an arm, gestured to them to rise once more. A cheer rang out around the yard as she recalled the oath she had taken into moments before. She was the Fire Lord, a humble servant of her people. She planned on being true to her oath.

The crowd started to thin out and she took a few steps back, disappearing in the doors of the palace. The moment her people couldn't see her, a wide smile broke on her lips as she turned to Iroh. Her brother laughed as he pulled her in his arms, and from behind him, she caught sight of her grandfather and mother exchanging a proud look.

"Thank you so much for coming," she spoke up as she broke away from Iroh and turned to face Toph first and then Katara, women she had met when she had been young, her grandfather's friends he had strived to reunite with throughout the years. Their presence in her coronation was important to her. Katara smiled as she reached forward and grabbed her hands, squeezing them gently. Toph didn't say a word but for a moment, Kaida thought she saw her smile. Slowly, she turned to her friends.

"Thank you for being here."

"We couldn't have not been here," Wu spoke up as he bowed deeply at her before straightening up with a smirk aimed at Korra. "Now the Avatar is personal friends with the Fire Lord, the President of the Earth Nation and the leader of the Air Nomads. That's what I call a success."

"Zhu Li and I are at your disposal, your flaming highness," Varrick mock bowed and Kaida couldn't help but laugh.

"Don't you have to make sure your son is still sleeping, Varrick?"

He rolled his eyes at her as he waved her off and walked away, deeper in the palace. Zhu Li sent her a nod before following after her husband. Kaida turned to her friends, ignoring her family that were talking among themselves.

"Finally," Mako murmured as she reached them. She smiled as she reached up, placing a short kiss on his lips.

"There's a chance you'll have to let your hair grow, you know. It's customary for those ruling to have long hair."

Bolin, Asami and Korra laughed as Mako's face fell for a second and Kaida couldn't help but join in as she sent him a fond smile and turned to her family. As she withdrew to Iroh's side with her friends beside her, she realised she had all she wished for around her, with or without a crown.


And that's the end of Dragonfire, everyone! Thank you for following this book to the end, the amount of people that seemed to like this is honestly unexpected for me and I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

So, Kaida ended up becoming Fire Lord and if you look closely, you'll realise that perhaps Mako is going to rule alongside her. He's come a long way from a boy living in the streets, if I say so myself.

Thank you guys for reading! The subtle meaning of this book is that no matter what, you should accept yourself and not be in war with your thoughts, otherwise you won't really reach your full potential. There are plenty of people in this life that will become your enemies after all, yourself doesn't need to be one of them.

Thank you for all your support, votes and comments. Take care, I look forward to noticing you in my notifications again in the future.

Lots of love,

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