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The nature was silent as Mako and Kaida walked side by side further away from the Temple in Air Temple Island, both of them staying quiet. Kaida looked around, taking in the scenery, pointing out things she liked on their way - a tree with an unusual shape, a small colourful bird she hadn't seen before - Mako, on the other hand, was thinking of something else.

His thoughts kept returning to the conversation he had had with Bolin just this morning.


"Grandma Yin will be overjoyed she'll see Wu after such a long time," Bolin said as he walked down the street with his brother beside him. They were heading to Asami's place to pick up their grandmother and cousin, and with them and Asami in tow they would go to Air Temple Island where they would meet up with Korra, Kaida and Wu after the political meeting.

"I don't get why she comes to Republic City to see him," Mako regarded Bolin with furrowed eyebrows as he turned to face him. "She lives in Ba Sing Se. I'm sure there are chances for them to meet there as well."

"Mako, Mako, Mako," Bolin shook his head with a knowing look, "she isn't just coming for Wu."

Mako caught on easily. "If she wanted to see us she could just say so and we'd visit her too."

"Us?" Bolin echoed. "Oh no, dear brother, she only comes to see me. She told me."

Mako scowled. "I was sure of it."

Bolin grinned as he turned to his front, appearing rather proud of himself for the quip. For a moment, the brothers didn't exchange a word before he stole a short look up at Mako and spoke up. "Kaida and Wu get along better than I anticipated."

He turned to face him at once. "What do you mean?"

"They're being rather friendly is all I'm saying."

"I thought they were friendly on a normal level."

Bolin smirked and at once, Mako knew he had shown he cared more than he should. "Is there something you want to tell me, Mako?"

He shook his head, "No."

"So there's no chance you might like the Princess of the Fire Nation?"

"No chance."

"So if I just told Wu to go ahead-"

Bolin cut himself off as Mako's head snapped in his direction, his eyes narrowed. "Tell Wu what?" At Bolin's smug expression, he cleared his throat as he turned away, schooling his features to indifference. "I mean, Wu may act however he wants with Kaida."

Bolin smirked. "You like her."

"I didn't say that."

"Oh Mako," he sent him yet another knowing look, ignoring Mako's sigh at his tone, "you can't hide from me, brother. You like her."

"Bolin, you're pushing your luck."

"How cute," he chirped with a grin. "What exactly are you waiting for, Mako? She's leaving in a few days."

"You think I don't know?" he shot him a look. "What am I supposed to say?"

"That you like her, perhaps?"

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