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Asami's clothes were nothing like the clothes Kaida was used to wearing, and so, she made sure she had washed the clothes she had worn during her training so she could wear something she was more used to. The change was evident to her the moment she put on her own clothes. As she looked at herself in the mirror, her hair down contrary to the usual way she set it when she was in the Fire Nation, for the first time, she couldn't help but think she was dressed like Korra, the only difference being the colour of her clothes. The realisation brought her to smile slightly before she left her room.

She passed by the room the Captain stayed at and paused in front of it, listening to any sounds carefully. She could hear his soft snores through the door, and reassured, she walked away, following the faint voices until she reached the room they had had dinner at last night. She got inside, her eyes taking in the family of airbenders as she sent them a smile. Tenzin was the one to notice her first.

"Princess Kaida, you're up early."

"It's the pull of the sun," she explained softly. Jinora sent her a smile as she patted the space between her and her mother.

"Come have breakfast with us, Princess Kaida."

"Just Kaida is fine, thank you," she murmured as she followed her suggestion and sat down beside her. She started eating as she turned to Tenzin.

"Is there any way I can talk to my mother?"

"We've a telephone, we could show you where it is," he replied. At once, the two girls, Ikki and Jinora, perked up.

"I'll show her!"

They turned to each other, their eyes narrowed as Kaida smiled. "I'd love that."

The girls smiled over at her just as she turned to Master Tenzin. "Thank you for letting me stay here."

"Nonsense," his wife replied instead of him, "you're welcome in Air Temple Island. We could never turn our back on you or your brother." She smiled as the woman smiled back. "I'm Pema."

She inclined her head in response. She was just about to reply when her brother got in the room. Iroh smiled at all of them as he sat down beside Rohan. He met her gaze briefly before both of them turned away to continue with their breakfast.

By the time Kaida had eaten her breakfast no one else had gotten up. She waited until Ikki and Jinora had finished as well and then she followed after them to where the telephone was. They were there a short while later, after some bickering between the two sisters she really didn't want to get herself involved in and a few questions Ikki fired at her at an impossible speed - she was certain she had missed some - and when they had reached their destination, the girls instantly moved around the telephone and turned to her expectantly. Slowly, she got over to them.

"Who are you going to contact?" Ikki asked, a mischevious glint in her eyes. "Is it a boy? Jinora always calls Kai."

Jinora's eyes widened at once as she glared at her sister. "Ikki!"

"She calls him every night and they talk for about half an hour but sometimes they talk for an hour or more," she said as quickly as she could as she moved away from her sister and closer to Kaida. She grinned innocently up at her.

"No, I'm not going to call a boy," she said, trying hard to not smile as she looked between the two sisters. "I'm going to call my mother."

"She must be worried sick," Jinora nodded at once as Kaida moved to the telephone. "Everyone thinks you're dead now."

"That's why I have to contact her as soon as possible," she murmured as she started pressing the sequence to her mother's study. After a short while, there was an answer.

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