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Dear Diary,

In this last page for me to write on, I want to say thank you for being there for me always when I have no one to lean on, when I cry about my complicated life most of the times. Though you cannot respond to my day-to-day rants, you're there to listen. So, thank you from the bottom of my heart. And don't worry because I will keep you well, close you well and wrap you up perfectly. You're my diary that contains the most important days of my life after all. You've witnessed it all and you deserve the best.

I don't know if tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, I'll still be around to see you that's why I have to take care of you immediately after writing this. And if ever there comes a time that she'll open this, I want her to see this last page most specially. Please let her read this and tell her that I've always loved her and our precious 'daughter'. Tell her I'm so sorry for everything but also thank you for everything. Thank you for giving me a family that I've always wanted. They are always in my heart, forever.

With love,

The best nanny in the world, Jennie Kim 

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