Chapter 14 : Calm Before The Storm

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Her lips so soft, her lips so captivating, her kissable lips so heavenly when it molded on hers, how can Jennie take this off her mind? She used to admire Chaeyoung's lips from afar, sometimes ogling at it whenever they get close, and it enchanted her more than ever when it was casted on her. The experience was dreamlike, and it never left Jennie's mind, most especially her partying heart on her chest.

She had kissed Chaeyoung when she was still a stranger to her, but accidental and she was filled with loathe in the past she never got the chance to appreciate her lips. Those lips that have always been a mystery to her, the taste, the texture, the interest she once had if she captures it, everything happened, she experienced it on an unexpected time and unexpected place. She got the answer to her curiosities.

Thinking of this, Jennie spaces out. "Amazing..." She has been repeating the same word and occasionally grins which she restrains by biting her lower lip, even chuckling when the thrill is too much to handle.


Jennie is too absorbed with the experience she's unintentionally ignoring her best friend right in front of her. She's at Jisoo's place spending a free morning, coming from the supermarket. However, as soon as she arrived and was served with her favorite ice cream, she has been out of her mind, physically present but mentally absent.

"Jennie, the ice cream is melting." Jisoo said, tapping the table even but Jennie is still in daze.

Jennie has her favorite ice cream dipped on her lips, imagining how Chaeyoung's lips melted in hers almost the same way. "Ah, she's... amazing..." She talked to herself, looking up the ceiling that's blank but seeing Chaeyoung's face that was full of desire that night.

Jisoo had enough. Jennie came to her place just to space out and smile like a creepy old man by herself. "Okay, that's it." She went up from her seat and grabbed the coldest water from her fridge and without hesitancies, she poured the whole bottle on Jennie.

"Unnie! What are you doing?" Jennie shrieked and jolted up from her seat, finally coming back to the reality and evaded her best friend.

Jisoo crossed her arms and tapped her foot as she grilled her, "You came here after doing the groceries for your family. You said you want to talk about something so I gave you ice cream while we supposedly talk but the moment you sat there you've been acting weird like you're out of this world. Is your mind still on vacation or what?"

Jennie pouts and freely grabbed Jisoo's towel from her bathroom to dry herself, "Well, maybe I really am still on vacation."

Now that she has her attention, Jisoo joins her at the table and interrogates closely, "This is about the vacation, isn't it? You haven't told me anything yet since you arrived and you were awfully quiet when I called you last night."

"The vacation was fun. Ella had the best time in her life. A lot happened..." Jennie barely voiced out.

Jisoo raises an eyebrow as she gains suspicions, "A lot happened. Kindly elaborate that a lot for me because I think that's what you want to tell me."

Jennie lowered down her head and locked her unsteady gazes on her fingers she's fidgeting by her lap. She was reluctant at first for she never had this kind of topic before, and never had she tried opening up about a romantic experience for she never had it before, not until Chaeyoung came to her life.

"Well..." Jennie breathed deep and heavy and Jisoo tended closer. "You know... I uhh..." She gestured her hands as two people kissing while keeping her mouth zipped.

"What does that mean?" Jisoo was confused yet Jennie keeps answering her with gestures, even pouting her lips to say it better. "C'mon, Jennie. How am I supposed to know that? You look like crazy right now if you only know." She grew annoyed as she grumbled.

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