Chapter 24 : Towards the Future

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A week has passed since the great musician took a step down from of the entertainment industry, yet since then, nothing much has changed. Though it may not be as much as days ago, there are still reports that come out from here and there, few articles still trend throughout online sites, criticisms and support clashing everywhere and even rumors pop out of nowhere. Nevertheless, all of these matters are being disregarded by those who are most affected.

Jennie, who is set to be discharged from the hospital on this very day, is using her remaining time on getting better. Slowly but surely, she's using every ounce of her patience on recovering with the help of therapist and few concerned nurses. Sometimes it does get frustrating, just like now that she's spending an hour by the hospital's rehabilitation area wherein a lot of people are as well healing.

"Take it slowly. Let's try it one more time." The therapist cautiously guided Jennie to get back up on her feet again.

However, in a split second, Jennie dropped back on her wheel chair and panted. "Wait, I can't do it anymore. I'm exhausted. Can we stop it here for today?" She pleaded in between her heavy breathings.

The therapist checked on her records and as he's satisfied with her progress, he agrees, "Okay then. You worked hard for your last day here in the hospital. You've done well."

"Thank you." Jennie forced a smile and later sighed.

Her therapist looked around and seem to find no guardian with her, and so he asks, "Don't you have anyone with you?"

"Ah, well..." Jennie looked down. "...Chaeyoung is with Ella today." She said reserved but at the same time openly mentioning Chaeyoung's name.

And the therapist gasps as he recalls, "Oh! I saw it on the news. The authorities will give their decision today on the adoption." But then he halted as Jennie frowned. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to meddle with your personal affairs. I heard it's a private matter but we also don't know how it leaked to the media."

"No, it's alright. It's everywhere though and I feel better talking about it. It's just that I'm very nervous, maybe that's also why I couldn't focus well on my therapy." Jennie humbly said and again went back on fidgeting her fingers by her lap.

As Jennie remembers, right the day after the press conference, Chaeyoung received a call from the authorities, informing her about the adoption's decision, whether she's qualified or not to become Ella's parent. Ever since, Chaeyoung has been anxious, though she's trying her best not to show it in front of Jennie, whereas Ella has been quiet for this young girl is surely the most anxious one.

Jennie worked as a nanny for this purpose, for Ella's adoption to be successful and to aid Chaeyoung from all the responsibilities to Ella. Her plans of staying as a mere nanny and drawing a line on their bonds failed, and it prosper into something better, but now that Jennie thinks of it, now that the time has come, is it really a good decision to forget her original task which is to be a nanny and not Chaeyoung's girlfriend?

And to cut her thoughts attacking her frantic mind again, an elder patient seated near her voices carefully, "Aren't you Park Chaeyoung's girlfriend? Sorry, I kind of heard what you're talking about and I also recognized you. My daughter is a fan, that's why."

"W-well... yeah. I am." Jennie stuttered at the label as she madly blushed, and at the back of her mind she thought, "Wow, Park Chaeyoung's girlfriend. It sounds good."

"Are you worried that they might not grant the adoption to Chaeyoung?" The elder asked and Jennie warily nodded. And so, he positively tells, "Don't worry. I'm sure they will grant it to her. I watched the press conference and her speech is always on the newspapers that I read in the morning. Maybe her words contributed a bit for the authorities to grant it to her."

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