Last Chapter : Nannie's Diary

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The road to success and the path to a beautiful life doesn't consist of pure sugar and rainbows, rather the opposite. Not because it's called 'success', it's sweet and not because it's viewed as 'beautiful life', it's all victory and wins. Along the way, there's a clashing of happiness and sorrow, battling failures and triumphs and war between ones' courage and cowardice, rain and sunshine.

And because life isn't really consisted of sugar and rainbows, expect that every day, there's a challenge to look forward to. Just like the former superstar and the courageous woman whose life are always filled with tasks and trials to tackle, struggles are tiring yet taken with open arms as they welcome their every day knowing they have a home to embrace, a partner to support and a child to take care of.

"Hello everyone! Welcome to Ella's vlog! Today, I'm recording my very first vlog. So, let me introduce myself to start." The young girl greeted brightly as she turned on her video-camera. Walking around their expansive home, she went on, "I'm Ella, a lucky girl loved by the two greatest moms in the world. Well, people may label me as an 'adopted child' but I'm happy, or should I say the happiest? Anyway, I'm a high school student and I love ballet. I join competitions and today is one of those days I'm going to compete later on. I'll ask my moms to record it for me and maybe I can upload it too."

"Ella, stop that for a minute and grab your breakfast. You'll be late for school." The young girl was strictly scolded from the dining room.

Yet the hard-headed girl acted she heard none, even advancing towards the dining room to go on recording and disturbing the one eating, "Here's one of my moms, Chaeyoung-unnie. You guys know who she is, right? But let me introduce her still just in case some of you have forgotten about her."

"Don't disclose too much." Chaeyoung warned as she kept her eyes on the food, continuously munching and ignoring the camera being directed straight to her face.

"I call her Chaeng-unnie, my musician mom." Ella started. "She quit from the entertainment industry years ago but she now works as a producer working behind the cameras. Have you guys seen her speech that time? She was brilliant and now I'm looking up to her even more. She's a little bit strict because she said I'm growing up and I need to know and learn more things but it feels good to know that I have a parent who scolds me."

And Chaeyoung interrupted, briefly looking into the camera, "I'm not scolding you without a reason. You know why I do that."

Ella just shrugged her shoulders and chuckled behind the camera. Then she continues, "She used to be my superstar but now she's my superhero. She worked on everything while we were living in America for long years. She was busy because of us, and not because of her career. She's a super mom."

"It's been that long, huh?" Ella's remark somewhat stopped Chaeyoung from eating as she reminisced those good old days living a peaceful life in America.

It's been years since one of the biggest challenges in Chaeyoung and Jennie's life happened. Seeking for a peaceful life for a while, they moved to America, and for Jennie to find space as she recovers too. Despite saying it's peaceful, it wasn't a worry-free kind of life, it wasn't easy and it never was pure smiles and laughter. They struggled as a family, had problems like any other families too.

"Ella sweetie, your lunch box is ready. I made some for your friends at school too so that you can share it with them." The other mom said, presenting a perfectly wrapped lunch for the young girl.

Ella excitedly hopped towards the sink wherein she pointed the camera to the next person she introduces, "And this is my other mom, Jennie. She was my nanny but not anymore. Sometimes, she still acts like one which I don't really like but at the same time she babies me too much which also happens to be something I really like. Quite confusing, right? You don't know anything much about her so I'll introduce her a little bit."

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