Chapter 16 : Overwhelming Emotions

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A/N: This might be a spoiler but let this serve as a warning before you go on reading. There's a scene that's not suitable for very young readers. Parental Guidance is advised. Lol. But kidding aside, this chapter is R-15, maybe? Or R-16...

If you feel uncomfortable, you can skip that part. To be fair, it's NOT an overly explicit scene.  


"You'll have your magazine photoshoot featuring Chanyeol. After that, you'll go straight a music show recording then you'll guest for a radio show and last for today you'll have an interview for an international journal. Also, your request for a day-off on Sunday, it wasn't granted. You'll be performing live and that's the only schedule you have on that day."

The assistant recited all of Chaeyoung's schedule for the day. It sounded easy but it's exhausting and absolutely jam-packed considering the time allotted for each schedule. Even so, Chaeyoung heard none of this information as her mind is out of the car's windows, thoughts out of her career and heart is nowhere to be found for her work.

"Did you hear me?" The assistant seated next to the driver, Chaeyoung's manager, asked as she snapped her fingers in front of the musician who has been bothered.

Chaeyoung grunted as she turned her back on them, facing the windows and she simply answers, "I did."

"By the way..." The assistant still decided to go on. "About your argument with Lisa during your comeback party, it leaked to the public though it was just spread as a rumor and no one is really taking it seriously."

"Who leaked it? There were no media inside the venue that day." The alarmed manager asked.

"Perhaps an insider staff who saw them having argument at a corner?" The assistant assumed. "We're lucky no one got a video of it or else we're about to handle some issues here." She continued.

As the traffic light turned red, the manager turned to ask the inattentive musician, "I noticed you've been recently not in good terms with your best friend. What's up with the two of you? I've known the two of you always being goofy when together and you always laugh when she's around. Is there something going on? Why were you arguing during the party anyway? You used not to be like that."

Chaeyoung and Lisa are inseparable and the world knows that as they have witnessed how their best friendship grew in front of the camera, though no one knows what goes on off the camera. Until Jennie happened and their friendship started to get shaken as they both feel the same for this one woman that caught their heart.

"Just some personal matters I do not wish to discuss. It's not really that serious too." Chaeyoung coldly responded late.

Chaeyoung is seemingly in bad mood, hence they let her be on her own by the backseat, no more words to tell her but silence to give her comfort. She has been holding onto the beaded necklace that Jennie never got a chance to give her. Her mind is off way back home where Jennie and Ella are, where her heart is. For she left home and has been away for days without settling things well with Jennie, it's greatly affecting her at this moment.

"Ella went off to school and she'll be back late afternoon. She said she has a school activity to attend."

This is the only message that Jennie has sent so far, formal and distant in its tone which gave a heavier burden to carry for Chaeyoung. Jennie has been acting the same since the party, aloof and monotonous. Their conversations are limited and the last time Chaeyoung went back home for a short minute, Jennie never dared to look at her in the eyes and the embrace Chaeyoung gave was never returned.

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