Chapter 20 : What Love Is

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The heavy pour of rain is as heavy as what their hearts carry. Almost becoming difficult to walk and move as her mind is filled with worries and burdens, Jennie was summoned by the company's executives without Chaeyoung's knowledge. She knew what's coming for her and despite preparing herself for it, the thumps on her chest aren't stopping and she gets more anxious as time goes by.

"The hospital forwarded us the results of your health condition. It's a patient's confidential information but we got a hold of it as we're your employers and we have the right to know what goes on with you." The CEO began right after Jennie entered the office with a greeting, not giving her enough time to take a breather as they go straight to the point.

As Jennie stood before them with her head down, she acknowledges, "Yes, I know."

"You may be suspended from work as a nanny but you're still an employee, and so, we'll be the one to pay for all of the hospital expenses, even for your surgery whenever you want to have it. You don't have to worry about it anymore." The executives who are present in the office followed up.

And Jennie once again just nodded her head without lifting her head up, "Thank you."

"Does Chaeyoung know or have any idea about your condition?" THE CEO asked straightforward and this made Jennie glance at him.

Jennie looked away, clenching her fists, she mumbles, "She doesn't know anything yet."

"When are you planning to tell her then?"

"I don't know yet." Jennie honestly responded. "But you don't have to worry because I don't plan to tell her one of these days that she's still burdened with a lot of things. She has the press conference to think about, the deal to decide on, and also Ella's adoption process that might get ruined if I fall down now. Chaeyoung is already carrying a lot of weight. The least I can do is to think what the best is for her while I deal with my health. I have medicines anyway. I should be fine for quite some time." She further said wearing the same grimace.

"And what do you think is the best for her?" One of the executives questioned.

Jennie kept herself mummed. She cannot hide forever, especially that Chaeyoung is around at home and she might get slip of the tongue. She cannot pretend for so long as she knows her own body may not be able to hold on longer than she wanted to. She has to think of a way as soon as possible.

The CEO noted the trouble in her expression, and so he bluntly suggests one for her troubled mind, "Why don't you convince her to date Chanyeol just for the show and maybe, break up with her? With Chaeyoung's state of mind, you're the only one she'll listen to."

"Excuse me? Are you telling me I should hurt her?" Jennie grew agitated.

"It's just a suggestion, though you might want to consider it too. It might be painful, but think about it. It's for her own good and for yours too. Moreover, if you do it now, the pain won't be that deep yet, compared to when you prolong it." The CEO evilly smirked.

Jennie was arrested in her stand. Truly, it was just a wild suggestion from him, yet it managed to struck her mind and shaken her heart. She couldn't even find a return as she's terrified of that devilish smirk from the higher-ups, as if everyone is going to push her to go with that decision. She started breaking out in sweat for the pressure is getting heavier each second that passes by she cannot answer.

"Chaeyoung is coming." A staff urgently came knocking.

In no time, Chaeyoung barged inside the office without reservations. She found the nervous Jennie standing before them, being feasted with their heavy stresses. She has known these people for so long and she sure knows how much pressure they can give to someone. Knowing this, she quickly pulled Jennie and protected her as she hid her behind her back.

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