Chapter 21: The Discovery

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The siren of the ambulance, Ella's deafening howls, Chaeyoung's voice desperately calling out for her name with her hand clasped to hers, and alerted sounds of people around, these are just some of the noises that Jennie's half-conscious state managed to register. Her vision either goes blurred or completely dark and her jaw is locked close together. The last thing she knew is that she's laid on a bed, saw a quick glance of the white ceiling until she went back into a dark world of nothingness.

Jennie was taken to the nearest hospital and was immediately admitted to the emergency room. Chaeyoung and Ella followed quick as the panic and their horror are disorienting them. It happened so fast that Chaeyoung almost barely caught up and her hands never stopped from trembling since then, together with their tears which was once filled with joy, but now turned into tremor.

"I didn't know what exactly happened. We were just having a good day at the park and suddenly she passed out in front of me. Then she started having seizure inside the ambulance and I don't know even know why..." Chaeyoung breathlessly informed the nurse, frantic and jumbled, while keeping Ella around her arms.

"Please calm down and wait outside. We'll come back to you later on for updates and please wait for your companions to arrive." The nurse guided the frantic musician and Ella to a seat right in front of the busy emergency room.

Chaeyoung occupied a seat but her restless legs keep on shaking, rubbing her cold palms against her lap and turning pale. She just cannot keep her mind straight at all, especially right after she witnessed the person she loves helplessly falling down the ground without having a single idea on what's going on around her.

Ella remained standing however. Though she's as worried as Chaeyoung is, she's surprisingly calmer than the musician. Though she cries as hard, her emotions are still organized and she used this composure she has to guard Chaeyoung who has lost it.

Few minutes later, Jisoo and Lisa, together with Chaeyoung's manager and her worried friend Chanyeol came rushing inside the hospital and found the extremely anxious and uneasy Chaeyoung in front of the emergency room.

"Chaeyoung, what happened? Are you alright?" Chanyeol asked as he tried to comfort her.

Yet Chaeyoung's jumbled emotions barked at him, "Do I look like alright to you? Jennie is in there and I don't know what the hell is happening!"

"Keep it low, Chaeyoung. There are people around." The manager closely warned.

The people passing by around the emergency room recognized the greatest musician and some can even be seen gossiping already, also sharing accounts online at this moment. She didn't bother putting up any covers anymore for that's not what matters to her. She cared not of these eyes any longer, even throwing daggers at them. Jennie, she's all that matters.

Soon, a doctor present came out of the emergency room and approached them directly as he asked, "We found a signed consent from the patient's pocket and it stated there that she has a benign brain tumor which she consented to be treated through a major operation. However, we don't know the whole story yet so does anyone know Jennie Kim's medical history?"

No one dared to talk for a moment as Jisoo and Lisa eyed on each other, asking each other through their expressive eyes on who's going to talk and open up everything. Until Lisa gave her a nod, giving her a signal that it's pointless to hide the truth by now, and all shall be exposed before matters go worse and Jennie ends up the one suffering the most.

Jisoo nervously stepped forward. She faced the doctor and with her clenched fists, she admitted terrified, "She was confined not long ago from a different hospital. She has a developing brain tumor, but non-malignant, and she has been taking medicines recently to avoid it from getting triggered. She was highly recommended to undergo an operation and get it removed as soon as possible. She did tell me that she already signed the consent so I can vouch that it's her sign on that paper."

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