Chapter 22 : Greatest Sacrifice

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It's this white ceiling in a quiet space, the air conditioner brushing onto her exposed arms, the beeping sounds from the machines and the scent of antiseptics all over, Jennie gradually regained consciousness to these unknown matters around her as she's laid weak and fragile in her hospital bed. Her eyes slowly opened wider and her vision eventually became clearer to recognize what's around her more.

As Jennie is slowly redeeming herself from a long sleep, her body feels stiff and sore. She cannot move easily without grunting in discomfort as she uses a lot of force to move an arm. Her head feels heavy it took her so much effort to move it to the side, only to see Chaeyoung sitting on a chair while sleeping on her bedside with her face buried in her arms while holding her hand.

"Chaeng..." Jennie weakly called her out as she moved her hand that's being held tight so she would be noticed. "Chaeng... wake up..." She called out a little louder, but her voice's trembling as she only forced herself.

Chaeyoung immediately opened her eyes at Jennie's delicate voice. She looked up and saw Jennie's dreamy eyes ogling straight at her. At first she froze, thinking she was just dreaming but as she felt Jennie's fingers moved against her hand she's holding, eventually a huge grin formed on her lips realizing that all of this is real. Jennie has opened her eyes.

"You're awake! Oh my God!" Chaeyoung breathed out huge and suddenly burst out in tears of joy, showing how ecstatic she is, caring not of the other conscious patients and staffs who can recognize her.

As much as she wants to dive in for an embrace and ultimately shower her with kisses all over, Chaeyoung held herself back as she has to keep in mind, Jennie is in a state where she cannot easily touch her yet. Thus, she only leaned in to kiss Jennie's wrapped forehead and let her tears of happiness drip on the bandages.

"What happened...?" Jennie breathed heavily under her oxygen mask.

"You're in the hospital. We're in the ICU right now. You just had your successful surgery. You're asleep for more than a day and thank God you're back to me." Chaeyoung briefly explained for the fresh mind while caressing Jennie's hair gently and directly looking into her eyes to reassure she's safe and sound.

Chaeyoung called over some nurses to check while Jennie is in a hush for she's trying to remember what exactly happened. She was serenaded in a garden of roses, a love was clearly spoken to her and right in that moment, she passed out. Everything right after that were all in a buzz, muddle, unknown until everything went into a complete darkness. The next thing she knew is that she's here, head wrapped in a bandage and feeling disoriented.

"We'll call for the doctor. Please refrain from moving the patient while you wait." The nurse said as they instructed Chaeyoung who is so eager to have Jennie envelope in her arms again.

As they're left alone again, Chaeyoung hastily tapped a message to all of their friends, informing the good news. Jennie isn't talking as much yet for she's still in the midst of recollecting everything in her mind and assembling all of her scattered thoughts. And the moment she eventually grasped onto the situation she's in, her eyes widened and nervously shifted her eyes on Chaeyoung.

"Chaeng, I—"

Chaeyoung closely hushed her, cupping her face as she smiles down at her, "You don't need to explain. Let's not talk about it anymore. What's important is that you're awake, you're safe and that the operation was successful. So, don't mind about what happened in the past anymore, okay?"

"But I..." Jennie attempted to utter an apology for hiding but once again silenced by a soft kiss on her cheeks.

"Relax and let's get you checked." Chaeyoung said softly so Jennie's worries would tone down.

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