Chapter 9 : Long Day

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They said if someone started their day right, then the entire day will follow. This is the case that is happening with this musician who is all smiles and attentive as she records the title song of her album. She records her songs with so much feelings, so much passion into her work and even better that she started her day with a smile.

Chaeyoung managed to record the upbeat and acoustic song flawlessly. Her tune, the high pitch she was able to hit, the way she strummed her guitar and tuned the right notes, everything is perfect. Even the producers and the executives who are monitoring her applauded as she ended with zero mistakes and only the minimum amount of rerun. She is satisfied and it's hyping her up in a good mood.

"Wow Chaeyoung! You're doing great today!" The producer praised her as she went to the other side to join them and to check the recorded song herself.

"That's the way I like you to focus on your album Chaeyoung. Good job and keep up the good work." The higher-ups also complimented and left after being delighted of what they have witnessed from their biggest asset.

As the manager hands her lukewarm water to ease her throat, he noticed her brand-new guitar, something that's really new to his sight after all this time he's been working for her. "What happened to your iconic guitar? You're using a new one. I've never seen this." He pointed out and the producer also did notice.

"Ah... that..." Chaeyoung grinned. "The one I used to play was broken. I was able to fix it a bit but I decided to keep it so it won't get damaged again." She then answered brief.

The reason behind her grin is because she reminisced that one-day Jennie tried to restore the guitar by pasting it together. That day, on that same day that Jennie was officially back to being a nanny again, Chaeyoung came back home and found Jennie trying to give back the guitar's life and there's Ella assisting her by holding it together while Jennie glues the broken pieces.

Chaeyoung wasn't bothered or annoyed that her treasured guitar is being touched and that the two clueless women are making it worse by pasting it together. She recalled herself being entertained as they looked good working together rather than fighting like cat and dog. She had the choice to save the guitar and put it to an expert but at the end of the day, she let Jennie and Ella do whatever they want and give them the time to enjoy the work themselves and enhance their bond stronger.

"Something good happened, isn't it?" The manager nudged his elbow to the musician as she was caught spacing out while smirking all by herself, not listening to her own composition she sang that's being played for checking.

"She's blooming too, not to mention. Wearing that fashion looking like an executive of a company, you used to look dark and serious with those on but today you look so bright with all these pink airs you're releasing." The producer also backed up on teasing the flustered Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung blushes mad and defends with her unusual gestures of shaking her hands, "I'm not! T-There's nothing, really! I'm only excited since I'm recording my title song, that's all!"

"No one's going to buy that Chaeyoung! We won't believe either if you'll say it's because of Lisa since she's working overseas as of the moment." The manager chanted. "C'mon, it's only us in here. You can tell us." He tried to convince her by tending closer and giving her all the attention.

The people working around her have always been this persistent, which is why most of the times she rather not to tell them anything about her personal life and if she's forced, she'll tell the briefest explanations. But because Lisa isn't around for her to tell every single detail and for some reason, she cannot tell it to her as it's about Jennie, there's no one to tell to but to these people.

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