Chapter 13 : Family Part 2

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It's just another day of being upset and troubled, that's what the poor young girl Ella thought as she started her day. She lifelessly woke up as the bullies haven't left her mind yet, constantly bringing her down and draining her energy. She doesn't have the motivation to be even going to school and get eyed on some students again. She's always this stressed every time she opens her eyes to start her day.

"Jennie, do you think we should bring this?"

"Sure. Get some extras too since Ella sweats easily. Ask her later on to pack more clothes too."

It's early morning and these murmurs coming from the living room can be loud in this quiet place. From inside her room, she heard things being moved out of her closed door. Normally she would only wake up with Jennie's noises she makes in the kitchen as she prepares them breakfast. However, today seems to be different as she also heeded Chaeyoung's voice conversing with the nanny.

Hence, the curious girl decided to go out of her room and greet her unnies, only to be confused with what she found out. By the living room, Chaeyoung is packing a luggage and fitting clothes inside it. And on the kitchen, there she saw Jennie filling up a small bag with snacks. Everything is in a mess and Ella has never experienced this situation since she arrived in this place.

"Oh, Ella! Good morning sweetie!" Jennie greeted the confused Ella as she walked closer to them.

"Good timing!" Chaeyoung called her over to the living room and let her see more of what she's doing. "Go get some of your favorite clothes and favorite pillow. I have to pack them so I can lock our bags already." She then ordered, smiling at Ella's puzzled look.

Ella simultaneously looks at them as she finally inquires, "Unnie, where are we going? Why are you packing early in the morning?"

Chaeyoung gave Jennie a look and the latter eagerly discloses to the young one, "We're going on a short vacation."

"We, as a family, we're going on a best vacation ever. And you love travelling, right?" Chaeyoung said enthusiastic then she boasts three plane tickets as she explains further, "I just thought that maybe we can go have some fun out of the town. There's a famous island here that's really popular amongst tourists and travelers and we're going there."

"Really?" Ella's once frowning lips eventually stretched up for her widest smile yet ever. And as she receives nods from both of them, she squeals, cheering louder and began jumping around in excitement, "Yay! I'm going on a trip with my family!"

Jennie breathed in relief seeing Ella's smile back on her lips after all these days that all she wore were frowns and tears in her eyes. She glanced over Chaeyoung and caught her smiling at her, thus she returned the same as both of them are glad of the result of this plan they've been secretly making together for the young girl.

"Go and get ready. We'll go as soon as we're done here. Our flight is in few hours so we better get moving fast." Chaeyoung informed the excited Ella.

Ella ran back to her room and she began searching for the clothes and needs she has to bring. She's always been a happy girl, but this day is much better and more energetic side of her is apparent. A pleasing to their sight it is, and similar to caring parents who want nothing but the best for their kids, this is how Chaeyoung and Jennie feel.

"Are you sure you can take a day-off? Your comeback teasers will be out later. Won't they need you at the company?" Jennie asked concerned while multi-tasking in the kitchen.

And Chaeyoung goes to her to give her a hand, "Family first, priorities first."

Jennie was touched to hear this and her lips crooked. "Anyway, your fans might mob you once we're there. I'm concerned Ella might feel bothered and your privacy might get invaded." She then expressed.

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