Chapter 6 : Guilt

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Jennie, during those days she served as a nanny and lived under Chaeyoung's place, is already used of waking up in her extravagant room and sleeping in a comfortable bed. She almost forgot how it feels like to sleep in her cranky old bed and spending a morning in an empty apartment room. She got accustomed with serving Ella and Chaeyoung their breakfasts as her day opener and now that it's all over, she feels indifferent staring at her blank ceiling as she opens her eyes to start a brand new day.

"Jennie! Jennie! I know you're inside! Get out of there!"

Jennie jolted up from her bed, startled of these series of loud and hard knocks coming from her door. She quickly wrapped her body with her old blanket as she's wearing her revealing set of pajamas and quickens even more as she recognized these yells of an old woman. It's the landlady and Jennie can never be mistaken for she has experienced the same scenarios within these years she's living in this apartment complex.

"Yes ma'am? I'm here." Jennie showed a sloppy grin for she knows why the old landlady is burning in frustration on such an early morning.

The landlady smacks the paper on her chest as she enrages, "When are you planning to pay your rent? You're already two months delayed and I tried so hard to understand you because I know you're having a tough time on earning! But this is too much! I won't take any excuses this time Jennie!"

"Hold on a second ma'am. I'll just go get some money." Jennie excused herself and went to check her jeans' pocket which unfortunately, only had few bills left. "I'm supposed to use this for my foods and needs..." She sighed while gaping at this few amounts left in her hand.

"Don't dare you escape from me!" The landlady warned as she saw Jennie standing still with her back facing her.

Jennie halfheartedly walked back to the landlady and though it pains her, she hands over the bills and utters, "This is all I have. Please accept it as my payment for now. I promise I'll pay you within the week."

"This isn't even enough for a month rent! If you cannot pay within today, I'm sorry but I have to kick you out of here!" The landlady complained as she shouted, causing some neighboring tenants to close their windows in order not to hear Jennie being shamed.

"Sorry, I'll do my best to pay you until tonight. Please give me time." Jennie bowed down.

The landlady however interrogates strict, "How am I sure that you will even come back to pay?"

"Excuse me, what's happening here?"

Jennie straightened herself and found a fine tall woman in disguise. For the landlady she's a mystery but Jennie immediately recognized Lisa underneath that signature bucket hat she always uses when wandering around out of her schedules. Her presence is unexpected, needless to say, and Jennie can only stand there lowering down her head in humiliation.

"Who are you?" The annoyed landlady asked the supermodel in disguise.

Lisa proudly introduces herself, "I'm her friend and I'm here for a visit."

"Tell your friend right here to pay her two months' worth of rent within today or else I'll throw her out!" The landlady vented it out to the clueless supermodel.

Lisa, while looking at Jennie whose eyes cannot even lift up to look up on her, she carefully questions the old lady, "How much does she have to pay you?"

The landlady handed the document for Lisa to check it herself. Without saying anything anymore, as soon as Lisa checked the balance, she brought out her wallet and took out the amount that the landlady has been asking. The money came out of Lisa's wallet like a candy she's willing to give away to anyone, like a chocolate bar she wouldn't even ask why she's being asked for it.

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