Chapter 2 : Fated Job

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"You're fired!"

A growl right into the face, this is how the nightclub's manager welcomed Jennie who is supposed to report for work one late afternoon. Her things, clothes and necessities, she left coming straight from the locker room were thrown to her, though it was against the will of the staff that was only ordered to do so. Lucky for her however that this is happening inside the club that's still closed and only staffs cleaning around are seeing this unfortunate situation for her.

"But sir! You cannot do that!" Jennie, once staggered by the welcome, snapped back to her reality and chased the manager going back inside his office by the second floor of the nightclub. "I desperately need money! I need to earn to pay my parents' debts and some bills too. I cannot lose this job!" She frantically begged from across the manager's office table.

The manager, chilling in his seat, barks back at her, "I just fired you and I will never take back my words Miss Jennie Kim. You know what you did last time, right? You slapped one of the customers, it became a talk amongst our regulars and worst you even spilled a beer all over her. You damaged our reputation from those high-class people!"

"She sexually harassed me! What do you expect me to do? Let her keep doing it?" Jennie reasoned out and stood for her right, although it's costing her the smallest chance to be hired back.

The manager makes his stand and he closely rustles to Jennie's face, "I don't care what she did Jennie. No matter who our customer is, whatever she did, she's still a person we should serve willingly and with open arms. As soon as a customer stepped in here, they must be served with the best service, and not the worst from the staffs. This is a nightclub, things like that happens sometimes and if you cannot put that into your head, you shouldn't have stepped in here in the first place."

"That's cruel... you're too cruel..." Jennie tears up and felt weak on her knees.

"You disappointed me, Jennie. I thought you'd be the best waitress I've ever had but I guess I was wrong." The manager sighed and leaned back to his office chair. "If you want fast money that bad, why don't you try to go to the red light district? You have the beauty, you look seductive and you got sex appeal. You'll sell a lot in there, if you know what I mean." He then smirked evilly.

Jennie doesn't like where this conversation is going any further. She's disgusted of how this pervert manager smirked while looking at her body from head to toe, despite her skin being covered by her jeans and simple white tees. Thus, she collected all her things in a haste and escaped from the nightclub devastated and hopeless.

In between a narrow alley between tall buildings, here is where Jennie stopped and pours more tears of helplessness. "It's that damn pervert's fault! I swear to God if I see her again I'll give her another cut in her lip!" She cried out loud that strayed cats hiding on the trash bins ran away from her.

Chaeyoung, the person Jennie labelled as pervert, just parked her car in an underground lot of the building. Cautious of her surroundings, she checked from inside the car if stalkers or paparazzi followed her and she's lucky for today she found none, a rare sight. Hence, she jogged leisurely inside the company building where she's greeted by the thrilled receptionists and young talents that roam freely inside.

"Good luck on your comeback preparations sunbaenim!"

"I'll cheer on you!"

These are some greetings from the people she passed by and she can only respond by bowing her head and flashing them her charismatic smile, sometimes flirtatiously wink at them to gain a good reputation. She hasn't visited this company for so long she cannot recognize some faces anymore, some are new and some has changed a lot. Even the building changed a lot she almost didn't know where to go.

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