Chapter 19 : Weight On Their Shoulders

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Chaeyoung wasted no more seconds as she went straight to the hospital where Jennie is. With so much caution under her disguise, she paraded all the way up to Jennie's hospital room, an area of the hospital wherein only a few could enter as it's an exclusive building. It's in this place where they had taken Jennie as requested by the company themselves, for her protection as well.

She walked up nervous while holding bouquet of red roses, mumbling to no one but to herself, "I have always wanted to tell you about this before, in a right time and place. It didn't go as planned because of our situation but I really want you to know that I love you so much and please accept my heart and give me a chance to prove myself..."

The more she goes on, the more her heart crumbles for she had never been this cheesy yet genuine to anyone before. Chaeyoung thought it would be easy for she knows her feelings the best for Jennie. Little did she know it's multiple times harder to say it personally, face-to-face, especially it's her first time to confess her deepest and most genuine love towards someone.

"Are you alright?" A concerned nurse found the musician breathing heavy in the middle of the quiet corridor going to Jennie's room.

Chaeyoung lowered her cap and nodded, "Yeah. I'm here to visit a patient named Jennie Kim..."

"Just go straight ahead. The last room at the right, that's hers." The nurse gladly informed before leaving her.

Chaeyoung shakes off her tension and went on her way. By the end of the corridor, she found a partially opened door lighted up from the inside. She assumed Jennie is still awake at this hour and so her eagerness to see her at last increased rapidly, more that she has known her feelings for her.

"I don't really know what I should feel about it unnie..."

This is what Chaeyoung overheard when she reached the door she almost knocked to make her presence known. No doubt, it came from Jennie and through the small space she managed to take a glimpse of Jisoo walking around while fixing her clothes by the couch. And by the bed, there she found Jennie sitting up, frowning and looking pale right there.

"Aren't you happy that you finally got the answer you've been waiting for? She said she loves you and it wouldn't take long before she tells you that herself too."

Chaeyoung decided not to reveal herself just yet as she's curious and concerned at the same time to know more of Jennie's honest opinion and point of view. Thus, she stayed hidden by the door to eavesdrop more of their conversation while hearing her loud pounding heart against her chest.

"I am happy, more than happy." Jennie assured and somehow, Chaeyoung was relieved to hear it.

"Then what makes you feel confused?" Jisoo went to sit on her bedside. "Is it because of her situation?" She then asked and Jennie bobbed her head weakly.

The nanny lowered her head as she sadly voices, "You have no idea how I cried in joy when I heard Chaeng saying she loves me and I might pass out even if she tells it personally. However, with the current circumstances we're in, I am not so sure if this is the right time to be celebrating about it. Should I be happy or should I be worried? Should I put our love first or should I consider things first? If I am this worried and bothered, what more for her, right?"

"I can't blame you. The deal and choices that the company gave her is quite worrisome to be honest." Jisoo sighed.

And Jennie goes on expressing, "Adding the fact that I'm partly to be blamed with all this mess that's happening in her, how can I not feel bewildered? It's not that easy to take away the guilt in me. Because of me, Chaeng is in a tight situation and not because she said she loves me, we can forget all of the consequences just like that."

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