Chapter 17 : Price to Pay

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An unfamiliar scent of a room, this is what Lisa first sensed the next morning. She opened her eyes and found a plain white ceiling above her, definitely new to her. Her head rings, giving her severe headache as she attempted to move her body. And later she's able to grasped that she's wrapped under a pink blanket that isn't hers, on a single cranky bed that absolutely isn't hers either.

"Good morning Miss Heartbroken Supermodel."

Lisa moved her blurry vision and found Jisoo by the door, holding a tray of hot porridge, water with hangover medicines that came along with it. Slowly her mind is coming into one piece as she carefully sat up on the bed, realizing she's inside a small narrow room packed with snacks on the bedside table and scattered various things on the floor.

"Where am I?" Lisa grunted, massaging her temples.

Jisoo sat on the bedside, explaining straight into her face, "You're in my place. You're in my room and that's my bed you slept on. I was about to go to my work last night when you called me all of a sudden, drunk in the nightclub. You passed out when I was still talking to you and I left your car in there since I don't have license to drive. There's no one to ask help from and I got no extra money to leave you in a five-star hotel either. So, I decided to take you back home."

Though her head still buzzes, she sat there recollecting every piece of memory from yesterday. She was with Jennie. She confessed and was rejected. She couldn't accept that fact and so she ran to her favorite nightclub. She got herself drunk, almost becoming careless on the dance floor. She needed someone to lean on and so she called her most trustworthy friend she can pick on her phonebook aside from Chaeyoung, and that's Jisoo.

"Jennie..." Lisa frowned. "...she rejected me yesterday that's why I went to the club." She muttered and covered her face with her cold palms.

"I know. You had said it in your sleep too, on how Jennie rejected you." Jisoo rolled her eyes and went up to get Lisa's needs ready. "I prepared you some breakfast good for your headache and hangover medicines too." She said.

"Was I wrong?" The downhearted Lisa asked, hoping to find better answers than her agitated mind has.

"What, liking and falling in love to someone? It's not wrong." Jisoo answered and going back to her side to give her foods, she eyed on her intently, "But to get drunk carelessly because you got rejected and almost cost you your entire career, that's wrong. You're so used of being accepted by random women that the rejection from someone you like so much hit you so hard."

Lisa grimaced, "I just... didn't know what to do anymore. It hurts so bad, even now."

Lisa is too pitiful to stare at that Jisoo cannot take to look at her more than five seconds. Her eyes are swollen and if she goes out there and tell the world she's the supermodel Lalisa Manoban, no one would believe as she looks wrecked and no one might recognize her in this situation. The poise and the image that a supermodel is supposed to have, it's nowhere to be found as Lisa in her most vulnerable moment.

Jisoo had enough, and so she complains, "I will be frank to you, okay? I hate going on circles and prolonging such situation so I'll tell you what's on my mind."

"Go on." Lisa permitted while gazing straight down her lap covered under the blanket.

"It's expected Jennie would reject you." Jisoo expressed and Lisa lifted up her head to look at her. Hence, she goes on, "They have been together for many months now and they're living together under the same roof while taking care of one child. It's not supposed to be surprising anymore that either of them, or can be both of them, likes one another and developed feelings for each other. They're both single when they met. No love interest before they met. What did you expect?"

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