Chapter 12 : Family Part 1

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Similar to any others, celebrities also have their own social media accounts wherein they post and update their fans of their daily lives. One the contrary, they also have their private accounts that only people closest to their life shall be aware of this. And it's the same case for Lisa whose most memorable moments of her personal life are shared through her private account.

'She finally agreed to my date invitation! Hooray for me! These photos were taken during her day-off before I drove her back home. Isn't she sweet?'

This is the caption of this set of photos that Lisa posted in her account. These are perfectly photographed candid images of Jennie as she sipped on her coffee, reservedly smiling at the camera, being perfectly illuminated by the morning's sun through the window. Comments from her model friends, from her closest company staffs are all leaving positive words, some teasing them as well.

However, there's one, Lisa's closest person in her life, her best friend, whose reaction seem to differ from everyone else. "Whatever. I can do better than this." Chaeyoung growled under her breath as she glowered at these photos on her phone while being styled and fashioned by her hair and make-up artists.

Chaeyoung never understood her sudden outburst that Sunday morning. The only thing that was clear to her was that her heart ached when her best friend asked Jennie out on a date without holding back, that it fumed her when Jennie shared smiles with her best friend as if she was thrilled to be with her. Worse, today, as she saw their photos she never wished to see and her annoyance notched to a higher level.

"You seem to be in a bad mood." Chanyeol appeared behind, already ready to film in his outfit, startling her that she almost lost her grip on her phone.

Chaeyoung exchanges look with the man through the mirror in front of her as she denies, 'Nah, I'm good. I'm just a little bit nervous. As you know, it's my first time to film with someone on my music video."

"Really..." Chanyeol occupied the seat beside her to chat for more. "I thought you were having a problem about a lover or something." He added and snorted at Chaeyoung's shocked reaction that her eyes widened.

"Excuse me? Do I look like I have a lover? I don't have time for those kinds of things, like relationships or even flings." Chaeyoung retorted as she goes on sniggering pretentiously to cover up her uneasiness.

"I should have known." Chanyeol rides along with her laughs. "Oh, by the way, about my bodyguard that pushed your 'special visitor' last time, I already told the management about what happened and they transferred him. I'm really sorry about what happened." Chanyeol said and for the first time he saw Chaeyoung's genuine smile for today, even if it was quick. "How is she, that woman you were with?" He then followed up to fill in the silence between them.

"Well, she's working and uhh..." Chaeyoung failed to say anything more because in fact, she has no idea what Jennie could possibly be doing at this moment.

Since their last argument that was never settled, they haven't talked properly yet. The morning she woke up, she found Jennie doing her usual routine, cooked breakfast for them, sent Ella to school and went straight to do the groceries, all of these things without sharing a talk with Chaeyoung until they parted ways.

Normally they would exchange messages, updating each other what they do at this hour and what they're about to do next. However, this day she hasn't received anything and she hasn't sent anything either, causing her to get even more irritated than to be eager and focused for this day of her music video shoot.

The manager came knocking, interrupting their conversation as he shows the camera on his hand, "Excuse me, the executives and the director said we should take a photo of you together as a short preview of the music video to be posted on social media."

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