Chapter 5 : End of Contract

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The day is starting good for the hardworking nanny. Though Ella has been acting a more aloof and distant than before, all that matters for Jennie is to do her job right and clean. Of course, it worries her that the girl hasn't said a single word to her yet at the same time she's closely getting used to this kind of treatment. If Ella is this tough and cheeky, Jennie can take it, or so she thought she can.

Jennie ignored the cold behavior from Ella throughout the morning until in the afternoon she arrived. She let her pass for she is more focused on making this full-set dinner before Chaeyoung's arrival from work. It's the weekend and like how it's written on Chaeyoung's rules and reminders for herself, the musician comes back home earlier than her busy and jam-packed weekdays.

"All set!" The proud Jennie of her own cook lovingly stared at the prepared table, not for her to eat but for the two she's living with.

"I'm home." And just in time Chaeyoung arrived, fatigued and worn-out as she appears in her dropping shoulders and sluggish strides going straight to the dining table. However, as soon as she found the table that appeared sparkling before her eyes filled with dishes she never had in a long time, her stress vanished in a snap, her frown turning into a huge grin as she's delighted, "Wow! You made all of these foods?"

Jennie gave her a proud two thumbs up, also beaming confident, "I did! I've been learning how to cook better so Ella could eat more too and stop ordering take-outs too much for her. It's unhealthy so I've been searching for new recipes online to try."

"You're getting a lot better. That's nice." Chaeyoung nodded as she complimented the cook before taking her own seat. "Ella! Come out of your room. Dinner is ready!" She then called out for the girl who has been giving Jennie sharp glares.

Jennie offered the seat across Chaeyoung for Ella to sit on and she did occupy it, raising an eyebrow to Jennie however. Ella herself is amazed of how the table was prepared and it was somehow apparent on how her mouth opened and drooled. Yet, as she saw how Jennie is giggling at her reaction, she immediately retreated her glee and put back her resting bitch face as if nothing happened.

"She kind of acts like Chaeyoung..." Jennie had this thought and stood at the corner to watch them eat.

Since Jennie started working for them, she never joined them for any meals as she lets them eat first and she'll go last whatever is left. Though Chaeyoung has been always kind enough to leave enough for her and sometimes offered that vacant seat beside her, she thought it wouldn't be right to join them like a part of the family. Thus, she insisted on either standing idle while they eat or she finds something else to work on around.

And for this day she chose to do something else while she listens to Chaeyoung's satisfied hums as she chews and gulps big in every bite. "I'm glad she likes it. I see that she's pretty responsive too when it comes to foods." She hid her thrilled giggles as she went to the balcony to water the plants that are withering.

Chaeyoung is enjoying too much she couldn't even talk to Ella who has been eyeing on her the entire time she's eating while she leaves her plate untouched. The foods served before her is truly tempting and mouth-watering but because of her loathe and disapproval with Jennie, she holds her pride and never going to touch anything, not even her spoon and fork.

Ella pouted as Chaeyoung is too engulfed with the foods Jennie made. And so, she thought of a plan. She strongly pushed the plate and made a noise enough for Jennie to hear from the balcony and rushed back to see what happened. The plate fell down the floor and broke into pieces, shocking Chaeyoung as well who didn't see this attitude coming.

"Ella, what's wrong? Why did you do that?" Chaeyoung grilled and glared at Ella in disbelief.

Ella furrowed her eyebrows and coldly responds, "I don't want to eat and I don't like the foods. I lost my appetite."

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